Chapter 41.

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"Can you please tell me where we're going?" I begged as we walked down the sidewalk.

We've been walking around for hours, taking in the beauty this small town had to offer, and there was a lot. It seemed at if we can walk around forever and still not have enough time to discover everything. I loved it here, it was way better appealing than Manhattan.

And now, Zayn has been hurrying me up from looking at some small shops to go to a place he doesn't even want to tell me about. No matter how much I begged, he'll always say the same thing.

"You'll see it once we get there." He smiled looking back at me.

I rolled my eyes, deciding it was best to just go along with him.

Before I knew it, I started to notice Zayn take us into a less active part of town. I became bewildered towards where Zayn was taking me, and why he was so excited about it? In a minute, we were in and out of where it was full of people to where it seemed to be no living soul around. We turned in a curb, eyes instantly focusing on the long wall to my right which seemed to go up in a small hill, connected to the road further down. There wasn't any attention drawn to it, but for some reason, I don't understand why. Soon, I realized where we were.

Colors spread all across the long concrete walls. Beautiful graffiti art of just about everything held me captive by all it had on display. Quotes, landscapes, building, cussing, skulls, even trees shared a space in what soon came to be a giant work of art.

"What is this?" I spoke in both excitement and shock.

Zayn let go of my hand, allowing me to wander down the wall on my own.

"It's art." He smiled looking at nee from behind.

"I can see that." I chuckled, "Why is it here?"

Before he could answer my question, another one came to mind.

"Wait, did you draw this?" I asked turning back around.

Zayn chuckled, nodding his head in disagreement while rubbing the temples if his forehead.

"No." He chuckled. "This is teamwork. Anyone who ever had something to say, or express, they came here and put it on the wall only using art."

I remained my vision out in front of me. Slowly, I began to realize the story behind some of these drawings. I was amazed at how most of them actually ment poetry in some weird and unusual way.

"Do you have anything up here?" I asked crossing my arms below my chest.

"No, not yet." He looked at the wall, "I want to, though."

I smiled, slowly turning my head to look at his concentrated features. "I never knew you could draw?"

Zayn still didn't look back at me, he was still too concentrated on the wall. "It's not something I just put out there. Since when do guys like me draw? It's stupid."

I found his words stupid. He was just being too sensitive about this. Yes, I never knew he could draw, but it's stuff like that which make me crazy for him.

"It's not stupid." I gripped his arm making his head turn to me. "Why don't you draw here?"

He sighed, looking back around before looking at me. "Because I don't think I'll do as great as a job as these people." He admitted, "When I do end up drawing here, I want it to stand out from the rest. Something that will bring people back to look at this and say, Shit, that's amazing."

"Then why don't you?" I asked giving him an interesting look.

He looked down at the ground, sighing once more. "I just haven't found the right inspiration yet."

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