Chapter 13.

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"Holy shit!" Allison blurted out.

"You've got to be kidding." Ariana spoke disbelievingly.

"I wish I was."

"He seriously held you hostage!" Claire asked.

"And then Zayn was the one who saved you?" Ariana finished.

I nodded my head in agreement before sinking my head down into my hands, a deep sigh falling out from my mouth afterwards.

"I can't believe this." Allison softly spoke.

"Now I know why you wanted this to be private. Man, can you imagine if the people in the mall heard all of this? You'd be the most talked about person in New..."

"Allison!" I heard Ariana slightly shout and slap her arm.

Allison owed and I soon heard her stand up from the couch she was sitting on and walk away. It was then when I raised my head back up to look at Claire and Ariana.

The room was dark, the only light provided was that of the plasma TV in front of us. It was quiet for a minute, not counting the dim voices heard from the movie that no one was paying attention to from the start. The girls looked astonished at what I had told them.

"He's defiantly not the type of the guy we thought he was." Claire finally spoke up.

"You see, I told you." Ariana added, "Paige, I think Zayn really likes you."

"Don't say it like that, Ariana." Claire spoke though gritted teeth.

I felt my eyes gently flutter close and a small smile curve into my lips towards how my friends were acting with all of this.

"Wait, do you like him?" Claire asked me.

"I don't know, that's mainly why I came here. I mean, I think I do have a soft spot for him." I admitted.

"Well there you go. Paige, it's okay to crush." Claire chuckled.

"But I don't know if he feels the same way."

"Are you kidding me!" Ariana blurted out. "After all he's done for you! Do you realize he also could've gotten killed that night but that didn't seem to cross his mind because he just cared that much about you!"

I had no comment for Ariana's suggestion. I wasn't thinking about that our how he could've felt. I was being selfish and only thought about me.

"Okay, I made some popcorn. Who wants some." Allison spoke as she walked in with a fan m green bowl of buttery popcorn.

Ariana and Claire stood up from the couch and walked over to Allison in oohing faces. I on the other hand stayed behind, thinking of what Ariana and Claire just told me.

"What's wrong, Paige? You don't want anything to eat?" She asked reaching the bowl out to me as she took a seat next to me and Claire and Ariana on the couch besides us, already munching on their handful of popcorn.

"Actually, I think I'm going to be going now." I began to stand up.

"What! Now! But how? You don't even have a car!" Allison exclaimed.

"That's fine, I'll just walk." I spoke looking down at the coffee table as I gathered my stuff into my bag.

"Walk! After what happened last time?" Ariana exclaimed.

"Paige, it's dangerous out there." Claire informed in fear.

"I'll be fine, girls." I smiled as I sat back down to slip on my white vans.

"Why can't you just stay the night? We all can, I'm sure my sister's boyfriend won't mind." Claire included.

"You girls can stay but I can't."

"But why?" Allison whined.

"Because my Mom just got back yesterday and I want to spend as much time as possible with her before she leaves again." I admitted still looking down to tie my shoelaces.

"And when will that be?" Ariana questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders causally before standing back up.

"Well can I at least call a taxi for you?" Claire volunteered.

"No, it's fine." I smiled. "It's not that far of a walk home anyways. And besides, it's not going to be like last time because this isn't a bad neighborhood."

"You don't know that."Allison responded.

I only rolled my eyes and went back to slipping on my denim jacket over the white v neck I was wearing.

"Goodbye ladies."

"Paige wait!" Ariana exclaimed once I had already gripped the door knob.

I swiftly turned around, my grip not letting go of the handle. "Mmm..."

I stood confused as Ariana stayed quiet, her vision darting from my hand to my face.

"Um...Text me when you get home." She smiled.

I softly nodded my head and I couldn't help but give her a quick hug. She was worried about me, I know she was, but she has to understand that I'm not going to let the streets scare me for life. I'm not like that.

I softly rubbed her back before pulling away and looked back to Allison and Claire who were still standing in front of the TV with the bowl of popcorn in Allison's hands.

"Goodnight girls." I smiled.

"Goodnight, Paige." They replied at the same time.

I looked back at Ariana before opening the front door, "Goodnight, Ariana."

"Goodnight, and be careful out there. Don't forget to text me." She replied with worry in her tone.

"I won't." I chucked while stepping out into the dark night air.

"Bye." She smiled before closing the door right in front of her and locking the locks up.

I stared out to the dark streets before me and took in a deep breath. I soon let it back in once my feet began to move me forward and start my short walk home.

My jacket was pulled closer to my body as the wind whipped around. The street lights dimly illuminated the road as I quickly walked down. Cars lined up the quiet residential streets which showed that a lot of people lived around here and I won't be alone incase of a problem. My feet turned the corner, my eyes being drawn to a small club a little further down. Loud jerring spilled out of the doors. My pace quickened, wanting to get away from the alcohol driven atmosphere. But I had to take a second glance at the darkened alley down the side of the building. Even from across the road I recognized his tall frame and black hair. My body stopped. I could tell the situation was tense, the stances of the men were a little defensive. My vision stayed darted on the group as I witnessed Zayn forcefully shove one of the guys away. I didn't know what to do. My mind was telling me to walk away, but I couldn't.

The rate of my breathing increased as one of them held Zayn to the wall. The other delivered a heavy punch to his stomach. Even from where I was standing I could see the pain in his eyes. They didn't even give Zayn a chance to breathe when the same guy planted another punch firmly across his face. I couldn't stand to watch him get hurt like that again.


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