Chapter 22.

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"I can't believe we did this!" I chuckled as I put in the large tray of uncooked dough with toppings inside the heated oven.

Once the guys left, Vanessa convinced me to make pizza. At first I thought it was a stupid idea considering the fact that this is Zayn's house and not hers and there wouldn't be enough time to make it afterwards. But I was wrong, we had more than enough time to make the pizza with some ingredients left in  Zayn's fridge and still have enough time to hear it up.

I still didn't have any idea where they went or who needed to meet then so urgently but one thing's for sure, Zayn lied about not taking to long.

All of those thoughts were soon forgotten as I found spending time with Vanessa was better than I expected. She's been telling me about all these times Harry and her would go out and it'll always turn into a hazard and about the times she was younger and Zayn would do these stupid things.

She's a really nice person, and to think I wouldn't like her so much. I'm glad the guys left, Vanessa and I had a blast.

"Told you," She smiled, "Whenever they say they're going to go somewhere, just know they'll take about the hours or so."

"Yeah but," I paused to close the oven's door, "Doesn't that worry you? I mean, Harry's your boyfriend? Aren't you curious of what he might be doing?"

I thought my question was totally out of the box and defiantly not my business but I couldn't help it. How could she be so calm when they've been gone for so long and haven't even called or texted?

"Well, at first I was but then I noticed they really don't do anything I'd be interested in or any other girl." She chuckled.

"What do they do?" I asked a bit curious.

Vanessa stayed quiet, thinking for the right words to say. "Just guy stuff." She finally spoke.

I wasn't fully understanding her answer towards my question but decided to just leave it alone and move onto a different subject.

"So so you think Zayn would get mad we did this?" I asked.

My feet walked up to the countertop where I started to clean up the mess of dough around it.

"Harry wouldn't, but Zayn might." She answered.

"Wait?" I quickly asked. Why would Harry have anything to do with this?


Vanessa nodded, "Yeah, they're roommates?"

Everything started to make scene again. The way Vanessa was here when we were got here, the way there were cars parked in the driveway, and the way Zayn was all quiet when I asked him questions. But why would he be so worried about admitting that he shares a home with his friend?

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"I know." She smiled, "Zayn doesn't like admitting that to anyone. "

"Why?" I asked.

Vanessa shrugged her shoulders.

It seemed as if Vanessa knew a lot about Zayn, stuff I might not even know and I want to know. But my instincts told me not to bother asking. It was rude to find out stuff like that and now that I think about it, if Zayn has something to tell me he would.

I looked back down and started to put away the stuff with Vanessa. Everything was quiet for a moment and then...

"He really likes you." Vanessa said.

My head jolted back up to look at her making her giggle towards my reaction.

"What?" I asked.

"Zayn! I think he really likes you. I haven't seen him bring a girl home for another reason other than s--." Vanessa quickly shut herself up, "Nothing."

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