Chapter 8.

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For the first time since meeting Zayn, I was actually more than happy of his presence. Though, I never imagined him being the one to come and get me out of this mess. Or is he?

The blue eyed male in front of me glanced at me for a quick moment,

"Thanks, love."

A breath I didn't even know I was holding was realsed from my lips as I watched him turn around and face Zayn.

He was angry, I could tell by the way he clenched his fist, knuckles becoming white, and his jaw began to tighten harder with every breath. His light brown eyes seemed to grow darker as he looked at me then back at the blue eyed male.

"What the hell are you doing!" Zayn growled at the male as he can to a sudden stop right in front of him.

There was no doubt that Zayn was a few inches taller than the guy thanks to his quiff hairdo.

"Relax mate, I wasn't planning on hurting her." The guy laughed.

"You're damn right you weren't because I wouldn't let that happen."

Zayn spatted with a straight look on his face.

I stood stunned just as Zayn's vision darted over the guys shoulder to make eye contact with me and then back at the male in front of him.

"Tell your guys to let her go or I'll do it myself." Zayn demanded.

A great feeling of relief rushed through me as the two guys let go of me. But I wasn't fully relieved yet.

Looking up at Zayn, I noticed he held out a hand in my direction, "Paige."

I hastily accepted his gesture,my body uncomfortably grazed past the male as I did so. Placing my hand over Zayn's, he quickly tugged me towards him. I was pulled behind his tall framing figure; he stood in front of me as I peered around his body.

Catching hold of Zayn's jacket, my fingers desperately fisted the fabric, too frightened to let go. I heard the male start to walk up towards us. Clearly, he had problems. If only he knew that Zayn could knock him out in one punch. Or so I heard.

Zayn firmly stood his ground, howling over me protectively.

"Paige, I want you to go to the motorcycle and put this on." Zayn spoke with his back still facing me as he passed me the helmet he was previously wearing.


"Go." He cut me off in a straining order.

When I didn't move,he turned around,this time he was more demanding than the first. His deadly orbs connected with mine, "Now!"

I obeyed him, taking the helmet from his hand, my legs jogging across to the spot where his motorcycle was parked. Not bothering to place the helmet on my head I decided to see what Zayn was going to do to the male.

Nothing seemed to make sense as the guy's pals made their way towards the exit. It was now just Zayn and the blue eyed male. I found it difficult to make out what they were saying but I suddenly understood what was going on once Zayn's fist smashed into the guy's face.

One punch. That was all it took for him to stumble onto the ground. But that didn't stop Zayn to kick him in the stomach, the guy yelping in pain. Zayn brought his fist down again and again, the strength in his arms causing serious damage to the man's face as blood soon gushed out of his nose. My eyes grew wide as I watched Zayn get on top of the badly injured guy and begin to beat the life out of him.

I immediately started to panic; I had now witnessed first-hand why Tyler is nothing compared to Zayn when it comes to a reputation. I now know why people are so afraid of him, he's basically a killing machine if someone doesn't stop him.

All I wanted to do was get out of here but I wasn't going to leave Zayn alone. And I certainly wasn't going leave the other guy alone here to die, even if what he did was wrong. Violence is never the answer.

But that doesn't give me much of a thought since he was going to die if I don't do something. Now!

"Zayn!" I shouted from the top of my lungs in Zayn's direction.

Zayn paused with his fist in the air to look at me from over his shoulder. The tears I was holding back since a while ago started to rise from the corner of my eyes. "Zayn, please stop."

It took him a while to make up his mind but having him see me in the condition I was in gave him a simple one-on-one. He dropped his fist one last time against the guy's face, this time making a small cracking sound. My eyes shut closed, not wanting to see what the male's body looked like once Zayn got off of it.

Sadly, my curiosity got the best of me, slowly peeking through one eye they instantly shot wide open.

There his body laid, badly bruised with blood slowly running down his cheek from his broken nose. Small cuts were on his face along with a black eye. He looked pale, almost as if he was dying from the condition Zayn left him in. For some reason, I felt guilty for this, for causing his pain and bruises. But then it didn't matter because I could've died tonight thanks to him.

My eyes flicked back to Zayn who was already walking up to me, slowly inhaling large amounts of air to later release it back out with a greater force. For the strangest reason, I suddenly felt safe with Zayn no matter how much he frightened me. He'd come to my rescue when I thought no one was, even if it ment almost killing the guy.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worry in his tone,  "Tell me what he did to you."

"I'm fine, thanks to you." All I wanted to do was burst out crying but I wasn't. The shyness of thanking him was clearly noticeable in my voice, no one's ever done that for me.

"Put the helmet on, I'm taking you somewhere." He demanded as he lifted a leg over the seat of the motorcycle and sat down. But where could he possibly take me after this?

"Where?" I asked as I watched him kick the stand off to the side.

"You must be hungry, its been quite a night for you." He spoke without making eye contact with me.

"It's okay, Zayn, you don't have to..."

"I want to." He cut in.

I didn't want to hesitate on doing so since I knew his attitude was still a bit fired up from beating up the guy.

Quickly, I strapped the helmet on my head and took a seat behind him,taking one last glance at the guy on the floor. He still seemed to be yelping in pain which reminded me.

"Wait, what about him?" I asked liking at the guy.

"Don't worry about him, his buddies will be back and then they'll be the ones who have to deal with him." He responded.

I remained silent for a few more seconds so I can strap myself in his bike. Not sure of where to hold on to, I gripped the taillights.

Once the engine was on, Zayn took a moment to look over his shoulder. A small chuckle was released from his mouth, "You know you're going to fall if you hold on like that?"

"Where else can I hold?" I asked, the helmet on my head making it almost impossible to understand what I was saying.

And that's when I felt Zayn's hands come over mine and slowly bring them around his waist. Before I knew it he already had my chest pressed firmly to his back, a new feeling around Zayn now was approaching and it wasn't the bad kind.

"There you go, now hold on tight. I wouldn't want you flying out so quickly." He chuckled while letting go of my hands and placed them both on the handles so he can igniting the engine.

His words only made me hold him tighter, still in fear of the machine I'm about to ride. I've never been on a motorcycle before and now I am. There's a reason I never wanted to ride these vehicles, they scare me.

"I'm playing, I'll never let anything happen to you." He smiled back before I felt a sudden pull as Zayn continued to race back out of the factory.

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