Chapter 26.

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We were now in the living room; a film had been picked out of the selection list as I sat practically on top of Zayn,  who was sitting with his legs up on the sofa, me in the small gap between them. He used the expanse of his warm palm to rub circles into my left thigh, easing the tightness I felt. A blanket had been draped over us after Zayn had returned with a bowl of popcorn.

We all ate the pizza Vanessa and I made. Liam and Niall sat on the couch to the right of us, vision intended on the TV while Harry and Vanessa had the couch to the left of us all to themselves with Harry's arm around her shoulder as she laid her head on his chest. And lastly, Louis sat next to Zayn and I but he was all the way in the other corner with his arms rested on the armrest, nearly falling asleep.

As we watched the 007 film Liam had picked out, my mind began to wander. The main character in the film just found out his best friend is actually playing a part in the guys own murder. This sequence made me think about the way Nathan spoke to me and how this movie could easily relate to my life and how it's going so far. He was suppose to be my friend, a good friend actually, and now he just betrayed that. He betrayed us.

There was also a part where the guy meets this girl, which is the reason his friend wants to kill him, and she takes him to see her town since the man was wealthy and the lady was poor, he didn't know what to expect. didn't know what to expect.

This whole trip has me both, nervous and excited. Not knowing how to call the other feelings I had, I just left it like that.

The sudden thoughts caused me to look up at Zayn as I noticed he too, was consecrated in this movie. I almost felt guilty for having him look away.

“What is Queens like?” I enquired.

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows, his silence continued for a short he studied my face. When all he read was curiosity, he replied.


Nobody turned around to see what all the sudden whispering was about. I don't know if it was because they were that into the film and didn't hear us or they just ignored us. I was just glad they didn't start looking and hearing what I had to say, either way, I was quiet over the loud speakers.

My sudden wriggle made Zayn yelp quietly, my knee accidently brushing his crotch. I apologised before persisting.

"I just want to be prepared."

He rolled his eyes, clutching me closer as he softly laughed.

“Are you worried?” He asked.

My eyes flickered around the room, not sure of the answer myself. My body moved with the rise and fall of Zayn’s strong torso. The steady rhythm comforted me, as well as Zayn’s familiar smell.

"Look, if you don't want to go then just say so. I'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to do." His voice became stern, attitude taking a sudden turn.

It wasn't  the answer I was expecting, I'm just beginning to understand his sudden mood swings.

"What are you talking about?"

"You just seemed like--"

"Shh." I silently hushed, lips moving closer to his.

Our noses brushed together in attempt to calm him down, I could tell his blood was starting to boil.My fingers played with the hem of his top under the blanket, nudging the fabric up to draw random patterns on the soft skin of his hip.

"I want to go."

Zayn's eyes fluttered closed to my gentle touch. His grip on my thigh only tightened in attempt to get closer to me.

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