Chapter 35.

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We drove back to Zayn's flat. Harry and Vanessa were already outside, luggage filling up the front porch of the house. The sun was almost about to set, the sky revealing shades of pink and orange with small spots of purple. It was absolutely beautiful.

Zayn pulled up in the driveway next to Harry's car.

"Are you coming?" Zayn asked turning off his car.

"Yeah, hold on, let me just finish this up." I smiled glancing from him back to my screen.

Immediately, he nodded, getting down to walk up to them.

I finished up the text I was writing to my Mom. Once I was done, I looked up noticing Zayn was starting to look angry towards what Harry was telling him.

I sighed, quickly getting off the vehicle to run up to them.

"What's going on?" I asked, praying it didn't have to do with him getting into another fight. He's had enough already.

Harry looked at Zayn then back at me. He didn't know what to say and neither did Vanessa, but I'm sure Vanessa was just as lost as I was. Why is it always so hard for them to tell me something?

"Nothing." Zayn spoke through gritted teeth, "Let's just go already, it's getting dark."

Zayn spun around, quickly grabbing the luggage nearby and pressing a button on his keys to open the back of his Range Rover. One by one Harry and Zayn dumped all the luggage onto the back of their cars while Vanessa and I got some water bottles and snacks for the road.

I felt like asking her what was that all about just a few minutes ago but decided not to. She doesn't even know what all that was about but I know Harry did. Whatever the reason, I'm sure Zayn is going to tell me about it. So for now I need to just chill.

"So what's Zayn's Mom's like?" I asked Vanessa as we finished up collecting what we needed.

Vanessa stopped everything she was doing, brown eyes looking at me in concentration as a smile appeared in her face. "You know, I really don't know."

"You don't? But I thought you and Harry were like... the closest friends Zayn had?" I asked.

"We are... But he's always kept his family aside from the outside world. He always says it was better if he kept them hidden to keep them safe. Remember, Zayn wasn't the best guy in town. He had lots of enemies and they weren't dumb when it comes to getting what they want. That's why he never spoke of them to prevent them from getting hurt."

"Wait." I paused her, "Them ?"

"Yeah, his Mom and Aunt. At least, that's all I know about?" She replied.

I stood there, thinking about what Vanessa just told me. My mind flashed back to picture Zayn getting into trouble, I'm not sure things have changed much since  he still does the same thing. But I find it reasonable that he wouldn't put his Aunt and Mom in a situation like that. Therefore, I believe what Vanessa told me.

My thoughts were rudely disturbed by the front door swinging open. I spun around, Vanessa looking over my shoulder to see Harry's tall figure step in the door frame.

"We're ready." He tried catching his breath.


I sat in the passengers seat of Zayn's car. My legs were up, providing a nice table-like position to hold up the book I've been reading recently. I was completely concentrated on it, the habit of biting my nails came along with every word I took in. A warm blanket fell over my right shoulder to the bottom of my left side. I was completely comfortable.

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