Chapter 58.

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"Hey.." I gently shrugged Zayn's shoulder. Poor thing, he fell asleep the minute he got in the car. I wouldn't be surprised, the guy hasn't had sleep in weeks. I wish I could heal him, make him feel better. But honestly, I don't think I can. At least not until all this is settled with his Mom and Brother. Not to mention, Ezra.

"Zayn." I whispered, lips curving up to a smile as I reached a hand out to touch his cheek full of small stubble.

He jolted awake rapidly, head turning to me in a shocked look. I didn't mean to scare him.

"W-What happened?" He asked, "Where am I?"

"You're home silly." I giggled. "You fell asleep."

He sat back up in his seat, rubbing his eyes in effort to wake himself up. "Ugh. I'm sorry."

"What are you talking about?" I felt my shoulders get heavy. "Come on, let's get you inside."

He nodded his head, unbuckling his seatbelt before opening the car's passenger door. Actually, Kennedy's car door. Zayn's car was long ago still parked in his driveway and I couldn't leave my sister's just parked in the middle of a community jail. I'm getting in so much trouble for this.

The car was turned off and we were out the next second. I locked the car and walked up to the front porch where he was already digging in his back pocket for the keys. It was a bit dark outside, almost a dark shade of light blue. The sun was starting to rise. It always comes up early in New York, mainly by the time it's already 5.  That's only half an hour away.

Zayn unlocked the front door, swinging the door open for me to walk through first. I had to at least get him settled in bed before I left. He doesn't work today either so it's a good enough day for him to catch up on some sleep. I'm just glad he's here and not sleeping in a jail cell. We walked back up towards his bedroom. Some new rays of dim sunlight started to shine through the thin curtain draping over the sheer white window providing us with some sort of light.

I watched as Zayn walked deeper into his room, removing pieces of clothing as he went by to only stay in his pair of black skinny jeans and socks. My arms found a way to come up across my stomach moments later. A small smile started appearing on my face as I saw him start to undo the sheets of his bed.

I almost felt sorry for having to open my mouth while he was doing so.

"Um.. Can I get you something before I leave?" I asked.

"Leave?" He furrowed his eyebrows, turning back to look at me.

I remained silent.

He sighed, feet slowly walking up towards me. Large hands met the curve of my waist, urging me to come forward and closer to his body. "Are you really going to do that?" He whispered while playing with my ear in a teasing way.

I started to giggle, unwrapping my arms from around my stomach to lay them on top of his waist, urging for him to move back.

"Zayn, stop." I softly giggled, fluttering my eyes closed towards the sweet sensation.

"You go through all of that to just leave me here?" He nudged my head to the side. Soft, warm lips pecking the surface of my neck as he held me closer.

"I'm not just leaving you here." I corrected him in a playful way. "You need to rest."

"Not without you I'm not." He drew back. My laughing stopped as soon as his eyes laid contact with mine. "Stay with me.."

"Zayn, I have to go to work in 7 hours." I grew a bit gloomy with the situation. He knows I would stay, obviously, but I think we've both had enough for one night.

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