Chapter 6.

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It's been more than five hours since I've been finishing my shift at Charlie's and I couldn't be much happier. Not only am I going to be back home soon but I also haven't seen Zayn around. I guess that's good since he makes me feel uncomfortable and in danger. Tyler's story about him never left my mind and I'm afraid it never will.

I shook off all those thoughts to the back of my head so I can focus on my job. Wiping the wooden surface of a table with a rag, I immediately finished off and continued to walk towards the next table while taking out my pen and notepad from a pocket in the black apron around my waist.

"Hi guys, are you ready to take your order?" I smiled down at the group of three well suited gentlemen.

"Actually, can you give us another minute?" The blond one asked with a smile that revealed two perfect rows of straight, white teeth.

"Of course, take your time." I smiled before I walked away.

Making my way towards the kitchen, I elbowed my way through the crowd of people. I suddenly stopped at the sound of my name being called. I looked up and saw Eddie standing behind the bar's countertop.

I stood in shock, having no idea what he could possibly say to me now. He's probably going to talk to me about Zayn and why he was back there when he's not suppose to.

My pulse could be heard from my ears, mouth became dry as I made my way up to him. I don't like getting in trouble, it makes me feel bad about myself and I certainly don't want to lose my job, I love spending time here at Charlie's. It's ten times better then staying home all alone leaving me to worry about everything else. And I may not love it so much now but if Nathan was here,I'd be the happiest girl in the world. But no.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I spoke in a trembling tone once I reached him.

"Yes." His expression was straight, not sure if he was mad or disappointed. "I've seen you work around here for a while now and I'm proud of your work. You're actually one of the longest employees I've ever had here at Charlie's. That's why I'm proud to tell you that I'm giving you a week's worth of a paid break. So now when you don't feel like coming to work or you're sick or whatever, just call me or customer service and tell us you won't be coming in and we'll still pay you as if you were here. But use your time wisely because I'm only giving you a week."

No words could possibly explain how I felt right now. I've never revived an offer like this before and now I have, and a big one too. I could just imagine all the things I could catch up on with that time and still get paid!

"I-I don't know what to say." I uttered.

"A simple thank you would do just fine." Eddie smiled.

Wow, Eddie just smiled for the first time around me. I was wrong about him, he's not as bad as I thought.

"Thank you, Eddie. I won't let you down, I promise." If I keep on doing what I've been doing he'll probably give me more rewards or I might even get promoted.

Thank God Eddie called me over for the good news and not the bad ones I was expecting.

"I know you won't. And one more thing, you can go home early." He added.

"Really?" I spoke in excitement.

"Yeah, your shift its almost over anyways." He shrugged his shoulders.

I took a quick moment to look over my shoulder, realizing that I still had costumers to attend. "But what about the table I was attending?"

"I'll have Allison take care of them when she gets here." He smiled again.

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