Chapter 48.

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"Okay, good news!" The nurse smiled as she finished writing down some stuff on her clipboard.

I was still laying on the mattress only Zayn made the change to sit on the chair next to me so the doctors can take better notes down. Though he still held my hand the entire time since they walked in. I didn't want to lose contact with him. He has been so supportive, so helpful. He doesn't have to say it, but I know he's tired. Poor guy, I can't possibly imagine the night he's been through. Him and everyone else. This was just one of the many sides I'm probed to see from him. So far, this was my favorite. And still, no matter how many sides he has, I accept all of them.

"It seems that Paige gained her strength back and all the test say it's safe for her to go home."

I looked at Zayn, smiling cheerfully that this night was finally over. He smiled back, almost as happy as mine only his was mostly hidden behind his baggy eyes.

"Only I must warn you," The nurse continued, looking at both of us with a concerned look on her face. "First nights are always the worst for people who just woke up from any type of coma. Since Paige got a small cut in her head and a fall, she will be experiencing some..unusual behavior?"

"Unusual as in..?" Zayn asked, waiting for her to answer.

"Well, some symptoms include headaches, mood swings, hallucination, sleepwalking, change in activity, either loss or interest in certain foods, and confusion." She paused, "But don't worry, this stuff only last a few nights or so since it wasn't such big of a cut and blood lost."

Zayn held my hand tighter. When I looked at him, he was only looking at the nurse. "I'll stay aware of that."

I looked back at Zayn, smiling as he looked back at me.

"Well then, I'll leave you two get ready. I'll be back shortly with some paperwork." She smiled walking out the door.

There was a period of silence before my hand was let go from Zayn's hold. I watched as he sighed and stood up, later walking up to a duffel bag in a corner.

Zayn turned around, shuffling through it to pull out some items.

"What's that?" I asked taking them from his hands.

"My Mum went home and brought back some clothes for you to change into."

"That's very nice of her." I smiled.

"Yeah." He dropped the bag and went over to the door, "I'm right outside if you need me."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To wait until you're done changing." He replied.

Since when does he care if he sees me change or not? That's long over with, he's seen more of me than anyone ever has. I know he's being nice and understanding, but I just don't want him to leave.

"Please stay?" I asked, "I don't mind you being here, I just don't want to be alone in this room again. It's scary?"

Zayn smiled, closing back the door to walk up to where I was sitting. He came closer, fists pressing down on the mattress on either side of my body. My eyes were already starting to flutter closed as he leaned in, lips cautiously brushing against mine. I missed his touch, God, I never wanted to experience this again.

"What ever makes you happy." He chuckled against my lips before going in for another one.

I released the clothes in my hands to fall on my lap so I can bring them up around his neck. My fingers dug into the hair behind his head, fisting as much possible. I was growing desperate for more contact as he urged his strong hands to dig his fingers into my leg. The way he made me feel was something I've never felt before. Never have I ever wished to not stop kissing a guy before. Zayn made me feel.. like a whole new person.

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