Chapter 3.

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"I can't believe that's where you're taking us, Allison!" I complained. 

I began to get nervous. House foreclosure parties in these areas are horrible. Well, at least not for the people who enjoy getting drunk, having sex, or wrecking private property.

"Yeah, did you even here what happened last time with the cops?" Ariana glanced at Allison. 

"It was just one time. Besides, I heard it wasn't going to be as bad as last time." Allison stated. 

That's something I wasn't going to believe. There are some crazy teens out there who could care less on how much they party or even the consequences that come after. It's not my type of definition for fun. 

"And if it makes you feel any better, Tyler is going to be there." She added. 

"Tyler?" Claire asked "As in your older brother, Tyler? What is he doing there?" 

"How do think we're getting to go in? Those people don't just let anyone come to their parties, you have to have some type of reputation so they even consider you." Allison inquired while keeping her eyes locked on the road before her. 

Tyler's list can go on forever towards all these certain things he's done to get noticed. But he says he no where close to being in the top, which surprised me due to all the times he's gotten into trouble. I still remember the night when I was sleeping over at Allison's flat and around 3 a.m. in the morning, the cops showed up saying that he got caught vandalizing a private school of he arts with these other guys. It was a scary feeling I must imagine. And poor Allison who has to be on top of him everyday along with her parents for Tyler to take his medication. Something he needs almost more than water,or so said the doctors. But overall,Tyler's a great guy and a great friend. His only problem is his temper but it never comes around when he's with us.

"You guys all said you'll trust me.. So trust me! It's different from our boring night outs. I've watched every damn movie in the movie theater already..Twice! So if you can all just do this ONCE for me, I'll let you pick the next place to go. But you can't hate something if you never even tried it. So, please. Just have fun." She begged. 

I never knew Allison held some type of grudge towards this whole party thing. But now since she let it out, I guess we're all aware towards what everyone needs to like. Even if it's a crazy party. 

"Fine." I sighed, forcing myself to smile up at the mirror so she could see me. 

She was quick to mouth me a thank you before Claire and Ariana also agreed. And without further a due, we began to listen to a loud thumping noise of music coming from a few houses in front of us. As Allison drove closer, we began to feel the vibrations on the car seats. I couldn't explain how crazy this place looked. 

Toilet paper TPed the outside of the abandoned looking house. Red plastic cups were thrown all around the grass and front steps along with some broken beer bottles. There were a few people outside chatting, smoking, drinking, or making out. But most of them were spray painting the exterior walls in red and black colors, creating artist designs like skulls and they were also creating amazing writing. I wasn't going to lie,it looked really cool. Graffiti art really captures my attention. And the last object outside was an average Foreclosure sign,which was obviously destroyed. 

"We're here!" Allison shrieked as she turned off her car. 

Ariana, Claire, and I were still looking out in the car's window, observing our surroundings. I didn't look away but I'm sure they had the same scared face as I did. 

"Girls!" Allison almost shouted making us jump and comply her order to get down. 

Making our way up the front steps of the porch, I felt the lump in my throat slowly slide down as I slowly breathed in and let it all out. I guess I'm going to have to be a whole new person now.

"Tyler!" Allison shouted as we entered the front door. Making our way towards him and his friends, we had to pass through the large and rowdy crowd of intoxicated teens. 

"Hey Ally." He smiled as we joined him and his two friends, Mike and Scott. "Hi girls." 

"Hey, guys." We all replied at the same time. 

"Soo.. What do yo girls think of your first foreclosure party? Pretty neat, huh?" Tyler asked. 

I was a bit embarrassing to have to admit this was my first foreclosure party by the way it's mildly popular in these parts. But at least I can say I've now been to one, right? 


"Hey, I'm going to get something to drink,do any of you one?" I asked. 

"Paige, are you sure you want to go alone? You can get lost?" Claire asked."What if you can't find us afterwards?" 

Finding them was the least of my problems, I just really needed to refresh myself from all the heat surrounding us from sweating bodies. "I'll find you guys don't worry. Now, does anyone want a drink?" I asked over the loud music. Luckily, none of them wanted anything which meant I didn't have to look stupid carrying around seven cups. 

"Alright, I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." I teased giving them my 'I'm warning you' eyes. They just laughed and went back to their talking as I drifted away from sight. 

I began elbowing my way through the crowd of dancing bodies until I made my way in the kitchen. It was much quieter here, less people than there was in other parts of the house. I think I was overreacting over this whole party thing and Zayn. But I guess that's what us girls do, we overreact towards stuff. Overall, this party is quite fun. 

I grabbed my drink in less than a second,being that everything was already set out on a cooler over the countertop. A few faces looked familiar as I began to make my way back to my friends, but I wasn't as close to them to say hello. They were mostly faces I've seen while bringing them their food at Charlie's. I'd say I was about a quick minute away from my friends when I decided to immediately stop, the glimpse of an interesting work of art caught my attention at the top of the stairs. It was as if my mind had a mind of its own as my feet began to move towards it. 

I couldn't explain what it was exactly, it seemed to be a dark forest. In the middle there was a huge crack which seemed to have a brighter and much happier world to it unlike the one in the top. Nothing came across my mind towards what it could mean but it sure brought a smile to my face. The detail that was put into this painting was magnificent. 

My fingers wriggled into my back pocket and I pulled out my phone. The camera was simply displayed onto the screen of my phone as I held it in an upright position to take a picture of it. Once I snapped a few pictures, I turned back around with a smile on my face, admiring the work of art on my phone, as I got ready to walk back down the stairs. By accident, my finger tapped the camera button again making it leave my picture. When the lens reopened, I couldn't believe who I saw at the bottom of the stairs looking straight up at me. Zayn.

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