Chapter 62.

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Ezra. I should've known. He's always up to no good and this time he's taking my friends in his little devious plan.

"Nice seeing you again." He smirked.

"Ezra, put the gun down." I spoke through gritted teeth.

He looked back at Tyler. Now that I look at him closer, he looked severely beaten up. This only made me angrier.

"Please, your terrifying his sister." I pinned my eyes at him.

Ezra laughed, "Oh, so that's his sister? Interesting."

He turned back to Tyler, shrugging his shoulders and gracefully putting the gun down. It was dug back out of sight as he took multiple steps forward.

I felt my heartbeat in my ears, lips became dry. I was scared to death but I wasn't going to let him take that as an advantage. So I kept my head held high and jaw stiff. I was afraid that if it wasn't stiff,  it would've started to tremble in fear. That would've gaven me away in seconds.

"So how come you're not threatening me with Zayn?" He smirked. "Oh wait.. He left you didn't he?"

I stayed quiet, swallowing down the lump in my throat before glaring up at Tyler. Ignoring what he told me about Zayn, my main concern right now was Allison and getting all three of us out of here safely. Why is it that Ezra only shows up in the worst time possible?

"Just let us go." I almost begged.

He shook his head, his same devious smile plastered across his face. "I'm afraid I can't do that.."

This only tensed me even more.

"You see.. The whole point of getting you here is so that Zayn can come, even if it meant luring your little friends too."

"That's a shame, because Zayn's not coming." I felt Allison's grip get tighter on mine. "He's smarter than that."

"And how are you so sure?" He pinned his eyes.

"Because I do.. Now let us go." I demanded.

"Didn't we just do this?" He sighed. "You're not going anywhere princess."

"Fine then let my friends go. If it's me you want than it's me you'll get." I turned back to look at Allison, nodding my head in agreement as if I was fine. But deep down, I was terrified. I don't want to be left alone with Ezra due to last time that happened. Then again, this is my problem not theirs. I'm not going to drag them into this.

"No, Paige. I'm not leaving without you." Allison whispered but Ezra heard.

"None of you are leaving!" He turned around in circles to also look at Tyler and then back at us.

I stopped to look at him. My breathing heightened as I look a deep breath towards what I was going to say, hoping that because of this, I wouldn't start a conversation to end my life.

"What's the point?" I shrugged my shoulders.

He grew angrier as his face went completely stunned. I saw it coming but I was willing to use it just to find out what's going on.

"What do you mean What's the point?" He paused. "My whole reputation is the point!" He nearly yelled, walking up to me with anger. "I'm getting it back!"

I didn't move even though he was just inches away. Though he gave me the scene of fear, I wasn't going to run. He'll catch me just like always and kill me. I'm getting out of this, but not by running.

"Is this what it's always going to be about? A reputation?" I argued.

He got angry but pulled off an evil smirk at the end. His large hand cupping both of my cheeks and making my cautioning heighten. "Do you actually think that by giving me a lecture about what I'm doing is wrong is going to change everything? Do you really think I'm that stupid?"

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