Chapter 27.

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I walked into Zayn's room, all the lights were of, my body swiftly turning around to hear him shut the door behind him.

"Zayn--" The lights turned on, causing my eyes to urgently flutter so they can adjust.

"Sit down." He demanded walking past me towards his drawers.

I did as I was told, taking a seat at the edge of his bed and watched as he swung his t shirt over his forehead. The material was shoved back in the drawers before looking down at his belt. I heard the metal fall to the ground along with his pants, leaving him just in his black underwear. He bend over to pick it up, soon to dump it back in his drawer to slam it close.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

He walked up to the other side of the bed, stuffing himself into the white bed sheets. Zayn sat up, patting the spot on the mattress next to him so I could sit next to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked. His actions were completely new.

I didn't know if I should go along with them or prevent them. But I think the main question here is what does he suddenly want to talk about?

Zayn smiled, rolling his head back to the pillow. "Yes, everything is fine. You worry too much."

I got under the sheets, carefully moving just inches away from Zayn. Both of our backs rested over the pillows. I took a moment to stare out in front of me before shifting my head to look at Zayn. A small smile crossed my face.

"What is it you want to talk about?" I asked, urgently wanting an answer.

"You see, the other night, I told you about me." He paused, I mentally agreed with him. "And, I don't know, I just want to know about you."

I smiled at his efforts. There's nothing really I could explain about myself. No one's rally asked me that. My friends learned about me just as I did myself. It was something no one's ever asked me about.

"And why is that?" I joked.

He looked down then back up in front of him, he was struggling with his words.

"Because I like you." He breathed out, glad he got that over with before staring back at me.

I was speechless. Sure, I guess you can tell everyone, including me, saw it coming. But at the same, I'm shocked he actually said it.

"I-I like you too, Zayn."

"Are you just saying that because I got you out that one night from Ezra?" He asked disbelievingly.

"No!" I quickly shifted myself to get a better look of him. "Don't ever say that again. I mean, yeah, it's what got me thinking about you but that's not the reason I felt like I needed to see you."

He looked down, a smile curving back up into his lips before looking back at me. "Good."

I don't know what's gotten into me lately but I wasn't intending it to happen.

I got up on my knees, crawling closer to Zayn as I found my chance to place a knee on each side of his body and carefully settle down on top of his lap. The sudden feeling I gained below me off a sudden bulge growing nearly inside me ment I got him right where I wanted. My hands slowly rose up to touch his tensed shoulders, eyes never leaving contact. I felt his hands gently rise up to my thighs, sliding their way up through the gap from Zayn's shorts. I didn't hesitate.

Goosebumps started to form as his hand passed over the skin he so delicately creased. My cheeks and body seemed to boil but I didn't stop him, I didn't stop myself.

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