Chapter 63.

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My heart fell to the ground, I couldn't believe it. Nathan! What was he doing here!?

I backed away from Zayn, walking over to his shaking body that was now lying on the cold ground. He had a blood stain on his upper left side, right around where the heart is suppose to be. Ezra was shot too, but he didn't seem to be in much of a worse condition as Nathan was in. Oh God, not Nathan!

"Nathan." My voice cracked from the tears beginning to come down my cheeks. Yes, he was doing some stupid stuff, but nothing that would cost him this. He was my best friend, and I hated him for hating on Zayn and I. But he still took a bullet, for him.

"Nathan, please stay with me." I begged as I moved my jacket out of my body, covering it over his wound and applying harsh pressure to it. Zayn was still looking shocked, Ezra wincing in pain in front of us. Everyone was down, I had to do something, I couldn't leave him just die here.

"Help!" I yelled from the top of my lungs, using all the energy I had left in me. "Help me, please."

"Shh." He shivered, jaw chattering as I felt his temperature drop immensely.

"What did you do?" My voice was difficult to understand outloud, tears and sobs getting in my way.

"Remember when they say.." He whispered, "When you love someone so much you'd take a bullet for them?"

I remaind silent but softly nodded my head as I licked a salty tear from my dry lips.

"Well, do you also know when they say.. When you love something, set it free?" He paused, swallowing as his shivers only grew more.

"You were never mine, Paige.. You tried telling me but I was an idiot."

"No, Nathan, don't say that." I begged.

He took hold of my wrist, bringing my hand up to his cheek and shakily planting a kiss to it. I hugged him tigher beneath me, using my warmth to help him.

"Y-You love Zayn." He studdered, breathing coming out in quick breaths.

"I love you too, Nathan." I stopped him.

"But not in that way." He argued, softly smiling after. "And I'm okay with that."

I sat there, listening to his words as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Zayn joined us the next second, crunching down with his hand over his wound to look at Nathan. I felt his eyes switch to me moments later. When I turned to look at him, all I saw in his face was sorry beind my tears. This can't be happening, not to Nathan, not to no one.

"You.." Nathan rose his weakened hand to point at Zayn. Zayn just stared blankly at Nathan and it wasn't in any bad way at all. "Take care of my sister." He smiled. "I know you w-won't hurt her but she's going t-to need someone to make her happy. A-And the tru-th is, I've never seen h-er happier th-than when she's with y-you."

Zayn looked back at me before going back to Nathan and shaking his hand in which he was giving out to him. "Also, I-I'm sorry for d-doing what I did.. I-I know now i-it was a s-stupid thing t-to do.."

Zayn nodded his head. "You'll get through this man."

Nathan smiled, laughing even before looking up into the sky. "I always hated this place." He continued. "But hey, i-it gave me a free trip around the sun?" He joked.

Zayn and I didn't laugh.

"Why bother? I-I was never funny anyways." He chuckled.

I looked down at him, sucking back some tears before speaking. "Why did you jump?"

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