Chapter 36.

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Zayn has a brother?

When did this happen?

So he trust me with his family's past. He tells me all about his Mom, Dad, and even Aunt! How could he not tell me about this brother of his? You can't really forget about something like that? Does he have anymore?

I mean, it was no secret I doubted they looked a lot alike from the second I saw him walk in. But why now? Why hasn't Zayn told me about him? What's the big mystery? I'm tired of it!

"Avan?" Tess talked again, breaking me back out of my thoughts.

Tess looked just as confused as I used to be. By the look on both of her son's faces, I can tell they don't like each other. Obviously, she didn't see it... As a mother I'm sure she thinks they love each other.

"Avan!" She called again, this time louder.

"What is he doing here?" Avan finally spoke, annoyance in his words, eyes disgusted to look at Zayn.

"He came to visit us." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Aren't you happy? You were just a little kid when he..."

Tess stopped in her words, recalling that Zayn ran away. You can tell the look on her face was really sad.

"I'll be waiting in the car." He almost growled, looking at Tess and only Tess, speeding past her.

Tess stopped him before he left, she wasn't happy.

"Stop that!" She exclaimed, "Say hello."

Avan looked at me and Zayn. Zayn still didn't look at his brother so it didn't really give him much of a choice to look at me instead.

"Let me guess? You're the blind one that's going out with him?" He pinned his eyes at me, hate filling his every word.

I was speechless. Not only was he rude, but disrespectful too. How dare he just say that when neither Zayn or I have done nothing wrong to him?

My mouth opened to say something but Zayn cut in, his body hovering over mine in a protective way.

"What did you just say?" Zayn growled.

Their noses almost made contact. No emotion was shown in Avan's face. My hand gripped the back of Zayn's hoodie, singling him that this wasn't a good idea.

"Okay, okay." Tess broke in, pulling Zayn and Avan away from each other. "What is this?"

Avan looked at all of us before looking around the space, all eyes were on us.

He ran a hand through his hair, licking his bottom lip before taking a step back towards the exit.

"Wait! Avan! Where are you going?" Zayn's Mom called out.

"Home." He answered, "My home!"

"Avan." Tess walked up to him but he stepped back.

"No!" He exclaimed raising his hands in the air. "Just..."

Zayn's brother chose not to finish his sentence, taking a step outside, leaving the rest of the diner speechless.

Zayn turned around quickly to look at his Mom. Not even half an hour has passed and Zayn's already in a bad mood.

"Who does he think he is?!" Zayn exclaimed in anger, pointing at the door.

"Zayn." Tess closed her eyes, trying to keep calm.

"I didn't like the way he spoke to either of you!" Zayn glanced at me then back at his Mom. "I'm going to have a little talk with him."

"Honey, it's no use." She answered, "He's been like this for a while now."

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