Chapter 47.

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The only thing I remember seeing is darkness. Everywhere I turned, it was right there. I couldn't escape from it. I didn't know where I was, or at least what was going on? Was a awake or asleep or somewhere in between? Wherever I was, I was scared.

All I could think about was Zayn. Not even my parents came across to mind, or my sister, or my best friends? No, it was all Zayn. Why, I don't know?

I just wanted to see him. That last cry was all I could remember. I need to know if he's okay. I mean, I thought once you were dead, you can check up on the people that matter to you. So was I dead or not? Why can't I just wake up? I don't like it here, I want to leave. It's a cold, dark, and wet feeling place I'm in. Even if it is a place.

I was starting to give up on myself, giving up on my body. I can't hold on to this anymore, it was a struggle. My body could've shut down but I couldn't let it, there are people out there who need me. People out there I need. But how can I keep up with this?

I was about to finally shut down when I felt a weird feeling starting go off inside me. It was, different. Pain, to be more accurate. Was actually starting to feel again? A low moan was released from the back of my throat. I ment for words to come out but they didn't. Again, I still didn't know if I was alive.

My eyes fluttered open towards the sudden sunshine peaking in through my openings, mentally thanking God I was out of there. Out of that cold dark place. But it was no use to the comparison of the thrusting pain I started to feel in my head and arms. A soft cold liquid started to go up inside me. What the hell?

Slowly, I started to notice, it wasn't sunshine I was seeing. More or less, it was light from a room. I looked around, vision still a little bit blurry as I saw my surroundings.

Then it hit me.

The pain was still there but not as bad. I started to notice another figure in the room with me. But it wasn't just any other stranger. It was Zayn.

I was confused in seeing him here, but I stayed quiet, feeling happy he was. He actually stayed. I still couldn't say anything, no matter how hard I tried. My throat was dry and it was killing me. But it didn't bother me as much because I became rather interested in what he was doing. It seems to me that he was drawing... And he was actually smiling at something he did?

My voice felt like it was coming again, only it wasn't so good.

"What's that?" My voice cracked but felt relieved I finally got the speaking part out of my chest.

His head shot right up at me, the pencil in his hand nearly falling to the ground as his mouth fell agape.



I thought I was dreaming. Could I? Maybe my Mum was right, I should take a rest. I was hallucinating, she's not awake.

Her eyebrows furrowed. It all seemed too real to be a dream.

I dropped the pen in my hand, letting my sketchbook fall to the ground as I stood up. Eyes divergently staring down at her.

"You're awake!" I leaned in closer.

She smiled, eyes lighting up as she gleamed up at me. I was definitely not dreaming.

"Mm... Where am I?" She sounded a bit in pain.

"The hospital."

"Why?" She asked looking around.

"Ugh, my head hurts?" Her hand rose to feel her head but I quickly stopped her, not wanting her to  make the cut on her head worse.

"No, don't touch that."

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