Chapter 57.

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"Jail?" I breadth out, heart beginning to race.

How did this happen? How is it possible? Zayn? In jail!

"It wasn't suppose to happen." He sighed. "The race was about to end and cops just showed up. Someone snitched. A lot of us got away before they caught us. Zayn just wasn't lucky. They're holding him back for questions."

I threw my sheets out of my legs, jumping out of the bed to make contact with the warm carpet floor. My phone was still kept pressed against my cheek and shoulder.

"Okay, well what should I do? Where are you?" I asked racing towards my closet.

"Well, um, we got caught too."

"What!" I exclaimed, stopping what I was previously doing. "So you're all in jail?"

"Sort of?"

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Since we weren't racing, they held us back as witnesses. Zayn's the one that's in big trouble."

I sighed, knowing the information sounded a lot like Zayn.

I started searching through my hangers to find something more appropriate to wear. I can't leave him there. I'm going to bail him out.

"Okay, well, I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Thank you." He replied.

"Don't mention it." I quickly hung up, launching my phone over to my bed as I pulled out a denim jacket and a pair of black jeans.

Quickly, I changed those clothes over what I was already wearing, a grey v neck and underwear. I passed a quick brush down the length of my hair before grabbing my white vans and plopping them on. My eyes scurried the room in search for my bag. I spotted it after a quick turn on my desk. The next thing I did was grab it before going up to one of my drawers and digging to the bottom where I pulled out a debit card. My father gave one of these to both Kennedy and I and claimed we only use it for emergencies only. This is an emergency. Though he never told us how much was on, I'm sure it's just enough. You've got to be prepared for anything, right?

I shoved the card in my bag, grabbing my phone and carefully opening the door of my room. Kennedy was in my parents room, of course. I couldn't let myself get caught. She'll go crazy if she finds out they got caught and now Zayn's in jail. I'm risking that, therefore, she can't know I'm leaving.

The door was gently closed, feet making careful footsteps down the stairs. I was about to exit the house when I remembered, I have no ride. It's too late to call a cab, I need to get there before no one bails him out and has to stay there over night. And the nearest bus stop is miles away as well as a subway.

My head turned around to spot Kennedy's car keys. God, I hated this. Going behind my own sister like that, not to mention, basically steal her car. But I had to, I had nothing else to do. My legs sprinted towards the table it was on, grabbing it in my fist and walking out.


The car door slammed closed. I started sprinting towards the front door of the quiet police station Harry told me they were in. I've never been in one of these stations, ever. This is a first for me and trust me, I can only imagine how lost I'm going to be.

I swung the heavy door open, entering into the cold bright room. Sounds of phone ringing and printers running were heard all around. My eyes looked around but stopped to land on three guys, all seemed above the age of 30, with handcuffs in their wrists. They were scary alright, all tattooed with a few piercings on their face. I don't know what was going on but they all gave me this scary look. I felt scared, trust me, even if I was supposedly safe with all these cops around. I was completely lost.

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