Chapter 18.

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My head turned to look up as I heard a door open, my eyes widened at the sight in front of me.

A green towel was wrapped around Zayn's lower half, his v line showing from the hem. There were drops of water all over his shoulders from his wet hair that was still a bit damp. He just looked so beautiful, I couldn't help but stare.

"So like, my clothes are here and I wanted to know if I can have them back?" Zayn asked with a grin growing on his face.

I instantly picked myself up from bed and walked over to my closet where I've placed all of Zayn's belongings. Thank God my mother didn't notice them when she walk in.

Just as I turned around, I stood in startlement as I noticed Zayn get closer. He took a step forward to become just inches away from my nose.

His height was incredible compared to mine. I've never felt this sorry in so long since the only intimate height in my family is my father and it's been a while since I haven't seen him physically. Memories started to show up in front of my mind, but not good ones.

The sight of Zayn brought me back to reality which I was thankful for.

He nudged his head down a little but didn't make contact with my lips. His eyes fluttered closed as his forehead gently pressed against mine. My eyes were only focussed on his pink heart shaped lips, not knowing what else to do.

I felt my hips tightly being gripped and suddenly being pulled towards his body. Small droplets made contact with my skin as our bodies pressed together and bled through my shirt. Goose bumps started to form as his hot breath fanned over me.

I swear, he was about to go in and kiss me but my mouth just had to say something.

"Don't leave."

I immediately regretted saying that but it was too late to take it back now.

Zayn only smiled but didn't back away.


"Stay here. I won't go to work, I'm sure Eddie wouldn't mind." My mouth spoke again.

At first I wasn't happy with what I said but then I felt like this is really what I wanted to do. I like spending time with him, he's... Different.

"I'd love that." He chuckled, "But I can't."

His voice got serious, head moving back away to look into my eyes while he still held me close in his grip.

"Why?" I almost whined staring straight in his eyes.

"Because you and I both have to work and I don't want to be the one who gets you in trouble for not going." He spoke honestly.

As much as I hated what he just said, he has a point. And I'm even glad he cares about me going to work but I was already so excited to just stay with him and talk.

He saw the disappointment in my eyes which made him smile in a helpful way. I felt his grip leave my hips to grab my hands. He fiddled with my fingers for a quick second before taking hold of my hands and bringing it up and around his neck. He took that opportunity to place his hands back where they were, on my hips.

"I understand." I looked down, my hands slowly falling from behind his neck and back to my sides.

Zayn looked around my room. A small smile curving into his lips before looking back down, catching his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Tell you what." He continued. "Do you work tomorrow?"

I nodded my head in disagreement.

"Perfect. Then when I pick you up from Charlie's, I'll take you back to my flat and show you around the place. It'll be nice." He pulled me even closer to his wet body, "You can even stay the night."

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