Chapter 34.

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The car drive to my house was quiet, not to mention fast. Neither Zayn or I bothered to start a conversation. Once we left Charlie's, Harry and Vanessa got in their car without saying a word and just left. I did wonder all about that and more but I just couldn't find the strength to do so. I was still to traumatized about what happened at work to think or say anything else. It felt like I lost all my enthusiasm to go to Queens. Things just weren't the same anymore, and Zayn noticed it.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked placing a hand on my thigh and starting to cease it while the other remained on the wheel.

I looked up at him, his vision flickered from the road to me whenever he had the chance. I closed my eyes, resting my head back against the car seat. My hand was placed over his and almost immediately I started to trace his knuckles with my thumb.

"Nothing." I smiled.

He wasn't so convinced with my answer. Honestly, I didn't know what was making me feel this gloomy. I never let stuff like this really get to me but how could I not? I can't help but feel lost on Nathan's opinion with Zayn. Is it really that hard to accept him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I forced myself to smile, "Yeah."

Before I realized, Zayn had already pulled in my driveway. Dad's car was also parked next to us which gave us a heads up he's home. Zayn turned off the car, making his way towards my side of the car to swing the door open. He caught me before my feet touched the ground, his eyes making me look up at him.

His pink lips showed no expression before catching me off guard and trapping my lips with his. I had no choice but to back away from his touch, "My Dad's home."

"So?" He chuckled, "We're not inside yet, no one is looking."

He didn't hesitate on planting a small kiss to my lips once again. My lips curved into a small smile which then started to grow wider as he left a trail of wet kisses down my neck and collarbone. His cold hands went under my shirt, skin making contact with mine while leaving a goosebumps behind. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself back up as I felt Zayn start to push me down.

"No... Zayn." I spoke backing away from the kiss. "We don't have a lot of time."

Zayn looked at me a bit disappointed but understanding at the same time. "You're right." He sighed. A smile reappeared in his lips, "I'm sorry."

"I didn't mean it like that." I quickly interrupted him.

"It's okay." He smiled taking a step back and holding a hand out for me to hold it. "Lets go."

I smiled, lacing my fingers with his as he helped me get down the large vehicle. Zayn closed the door behind me and we continued to walk up the front steps of my house.

"Zayn, stop." I giggled trying to unlock the door as he started to nibble on my right ear.

"What's wrong?" He chuckled pulling me closer.

"That tickles, stop." I laughed.

I finally got my front door open, surprisingly. I moved myself forward with Zayn still behind me. The quiet atmosphere of my house was quickly filled with my loud laughter. I didn't even notice where we headed until I heard a deep voice join in and stop me from laughing.

"There you two are." Dad smiled walking in from the kitchen with a coffee mug in his hand.

Zayn drew back from my ear but not from his hold around my waist.

"Hi, Mr. Hoffer." Zayn smiled.

"Hi, Zayn. Always a pleasure seeing you." He said sarcastically but in a playful way.

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