Chapter 38.

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My eyes fluttered open to the bright rays of sunshine creeping into the room from the bedroom window in front of me.

I can't remember much of last night other than the fact that after dinner Zayn and I stayed up all night just talking each other. If it wasn't for that call he made around midnight, I would've stayed up with him til 5 a.m. But I was too tired. I remember passing out just as soon as he left the room.

So now here I lay, on my side with Zayn's strong arm wrapped around my waist. I'd like to get up now, get on with my day, but I couldn't. Every time I tried to move away, even try to swivel myself around in his hold, Zayn will pull me even closer to his body.

"Mmm." I heard a low groan vibrate against my back. "What are you doing?"

I looked forward, a small smile creeping into my lips at the sound of his morning voice. His grip loosened off a little bit just enough for me to turn around. It was funny to see him pretend he was still asleep.

"Good morning." I giggled, bringing my hand up to crease his cheek.

Goosebumps started to appear as I felt the small stubble beneath the palm of my hand.

"Morning, beautiful." He smiled with his eyes still closed.

I dropped my hand back in front of me and under my left cheek. I could look at him sleep and feel at peace all in one moment.

His hand started to rub my back, gently sliding under my shirt to rub small circles to the dimples at the bottom of my spine. This made me giggle in a way.

"Paige?" Zayn got closer to me, his hot breath fanning over my face.


The small lump down his throat went down before he continued talking, making himself comfortable.

"I got you something."

My eyes lit up with what he said. Surprised I was actually hearing it.

"Really?" I smiled.

He nodded his head.

"Well? Where is it?"

I felt him chuckle once again, though I didn't understand what was so funny.

"Don't you think if I wanted you to see it I'd actually give it you right now?"

"So then, when am I going to see it?" I smiled looking at his still closed eyes.

Zayn groaned, slightly sighing at the end. "Soon."

The smile on my face never left as I leaned over and trapped his lips with mine. It was a quick kiss, more like a small peck. I loved the way his lips felt against mine, it was a nice touch to wake up to.

"Where are you going?" He asked again as I shuffled myself out of bed.

"To take a shower." I giggled as I walked over to the drawers.

The way I felt his eyes follow my every movement made me a little uncomfortable, not that I minded it, I just wasn't used to it.

Quickly, I grabbed my towel. As I turned around to walk towards the door, I saw Zayn already plopped up on his elbows, hair still a mess with big brown eyes staring right at me.

"What?" I chuckled, stopping in my tracks to look at him.

He chuckled, "Nothing." Rolling his head back down to fall flat once again on the mattress, I decided to ignore him and just walk away.

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