Chapter 67.

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*Days Later*

I walked down the long steps of one of the New York harbor's most famous piers. All ships were parked around in the calm, cold waters, overlooking a beautiful scenery of the statue of liberty. There was a few people around, talking and laughing with each other. I was alone now after I got a message this morning from Zayn telling me to meet up with him here at 5. He said no more. I didn't know what was going on or what he had planned? These past few days we've been helping his Mom move out. She did, finally, last night she left.

My parents on the other hand agreed with Zayn and I running away. It took some convincing at first but in the end, even Tess urged them that it was a good idea. That whole They're young speech really works.

I hugged my coat tighter to my body as a cold, salty breeze hit me. It feels like I've been waiting here for hours now. I could just walk over to Zayn's house which is right down the road, but I figured that if he wanted me to stay and wait then it must be for a reason.

My arms reached out to the pier, resting them above the wooden armrest and took in a deep breath. Just as I started letting it out, I had to quickly suck it back in as I fell in shock by the large hands wrapping around my waist.

I was startled, heart beginning to race. Then the smooth sounds of a voice I seemed to grow quite attracted to comfort me.

"Hello beautiful." Zayn's deep voice vibrated against my back.

I relaxed, still a bit shaken but glad it was just him.

"You really have to stop doing that.. You're scaring the life out of me." I laughed, his arms still around my waist as he brought his head closer to mine.

His warm lips planted a small kiss to my cold, red cheek. Looking back at me quickly, he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You're freezing."

"Well, it's not exactly summer anymore." I joked but he didn't seem to laugh. My throat cleared, turning around in his hold to have my back pressed to the railing, Zayn's body to my front.

I started messing with the sweater he wore, a maroon one that is, which he's been taking liberty in wearing a lot now. Black jeans clung below his waist and his favorite black boots finished the look.

"Let's talk." He spoke sternly, lacing his fingers with mine and walking further out into the peir.

"Is everything okay?" I asked looking up at him, noticing he looked different than other days. Maybe he was angry, or nervous. I don't know. I can't really tell.

"Of course." He chuckled, unlacing our fingers so he can bring his hand up and around my shoulder so he can drag me closer to his body, the other one he dug into the front pockets of his jeans. "Stop worrying so much, love."

"Well you always have a tendency of doing this and it usually ends up with bad news." I corrected him.

He looked down, smiling. "I'm sorry. But I promise this is good." He chuckled. "So come on, I just wanna know about your day."

"My day?" I chuckled looking up at him.

"Yeah, you know? What did you do?" He asked again.

I playfully rolled my eyes as if he was actually meaning to say that. "You're not interested." I chuckled.

"Try me." He smirked.

I stopped walking, turning to look arty his beautiful light brown orbs gleam in the sunset lighting. Sighing, I continued.

"Well, I quit my job today at Charlie's." I smiled. "That place is long gone now."

"That's good to hear." He chuckled.

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