Chapter 61.

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We entered the big building filled with dim lights. I always loved this movie theater. It was a great place to get away to, to focus on other things rather than you-know-who. My friends know me too well. And Tyler only made things better as he continued with his jokes and comments.

The lobby was packed today. I wouldn't be so surprised, Friday night's are a big deal since its when every premier comes out. Not to mention, that new Dave Franco movie I so badly wanted to see. Things were surprisingly turning around for me, I just had to step out and see.

"Okay so, what's the plan?" Ariana asked, making us stop and turn around to look at her.

Allison looked back at all of us. "Well, Tyler and I can go buy the tickets. Claire, can you go get the food and stuff?"

Claire nodded, gesturing her head back at Ariana and I. "Wanna come?"

We nodded, immediately going our separate ways. I was now following behind Ariana who was following behind Claire as we did our best to maneuver ourselves around the sea of people to get to the treats bar. I must say we were halfway there before I felt my phone start ringing in my back pocket.

I stopped, reaching in for my phone and swiping it unlocked. It was a message. I was about to read who it was from before I crashed into someone else.

I released a gasp, quickly apologizing as I looked back up. The person was also apologizing but we both stopped ourselves as we noticed who we were looking right at.

He was tall, dark hair. His piercing eyes were focused down on me as he still wore his punk-style looking clothes.

"Louis." I smiled.

"Paige Hoffer," He smirked, "What a coincidence. Haven't seen you in a while, how are you?"

He backed away, digging his phone in his back pocket before running a hand through his long light brown hair. I didn't think I'd bump into someone tonight, especially Louis. I wasn't ready for this, I'm surprised I'm even smiling right now. I was shocked. Not to mention, after what happened,  I don't know how I am supposed to feel.

"I'm fine." I smiled. "And you?"

"Ah you know.. whatever." He shrugged his shoulders. "So how come you're here tonight?"

I turned over my shoulder, noticing some people have cleared of of the way enough for me to see my friends beginning to order."Just came to watch a movie with some friends." I turned back around to see him with a smile still planted on my face. "And you?"

"Same." He continued, "Only she's taking long in the bathroom."

I nodded my head, smiling as much as I could in a long time. "Well, you know us girls.."

"Yeah." He chuckled, digging his hand in his front pocket while the other ran back his hair once more since it was getting in his face. "So um." He cleared his throat. "How come I haven't seen you lately? We've all been asking about you?"

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows. All of them having been asking about me?

"Yeah. Harry, Niall, Liam, Vanessa.."

"Oh." I looked down a little disappointed. Now I was stuck in his first question. How am I going to respond to that? I mean, I'm sure I can come up with an explanation but I need time. "Zayn hasn't told you?"

He looked at me with questionable eyes, eyes I couldn't see myself lying to. I don't want anybody to try and solve this, which is maybe why I don't want to talk about it. I know that if Louis does try to solve this, it'll come from the good in his heart but honestly I can't make this far more worse than how it already is.

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