Chapter 37.

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"Okay, so here we are." Tess smiled as she opened the front door to reveal the inside of her small house.

She flicked the lights on, immediately lighting up the space in front of us.

There was a small living room to the right which was built to connect with the kitchen on the left, a grand flight of stairs separating the two. It was a nice and clean house, cozy too.

"I know it's not much, but I hope you two can get comfortable." She said placing down her keys and bag in a corner.

I walked in, Zayn behind me as he dropped our bags.

"This is perfect." I smiled looking back.

As I glanced back from Tess, I noticed Zayn grow with memories of the house.

"Everything is just the way I remember." He smiled, still looking around.

"Well of course it is." Tess smiled. "You make yourself at home."

"You too." She smiled back at me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Tess looked back at Zayn who was still admiring the house.


Zayn snapped back out, quickly looking back at his Mom.

"Why don't you go settle down in your room. Are you guys hungry?" She asked both of us.

Zayn and I nodded. My stomach was growling at the sound of food.

Tess smiled, "Okay, hurry on while I cook us a nice small dinner."

Zayn nodded before heading the bags once more and leading me towards the stairs. We walked up to enter a wide hallway with two doors. The one on the left was Zayn's room I'm guessing and the one on the left was the bathroom since I saw it through a small creek in the door. There were also a few pictures hanging on the wall but I didn't have enough time to observe them as Zayn hurried me inside.

The lights turned on, the door closed. A small bed was placed on the left side against the wall along with some other furniture. It was a nice small room.

I was so intrigued by all my surroundings that I was completely unaware of the loud noise that approached from behind me by the dropping of bags. My body swiftly turned around, shocked once more when I saw Zayn approach me with anger.

His hands roughly grabbed my waist and walked me backwards to land roughly against the wall.

"Zayn, what are you--"

Zayn pinned me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he held me sandwiched between the wall and his body. I was completely mystified.

Dark eyes locked with mine before nudging down to leave a trail of kisses down my neck. My hands wrapped around his neck, tightly fisting the back of his jacket in the palm of my hands as he roughly started to suck.

I couldn't help but release a loud groan from the back of my throat. It didn't take long before the room started to heat up.

Zayn's kiss went back up to my lips, roughly kissing them in an urgent passionate kiss.

"You didn't think I was joking when I said we'll be doing this again?" He playfully smirked looking into my eyes as he pulled back in.

I was surprised at how effortlessly he lifted me up and walked us to his bed. It was almost as if he still remembered every step around his bedroom. My back touched the surface of the mattress, immediately I felt a cold breeze pass through me as Zayn pulled away, kneeling up in front of me to suddenly stop. He smiled down at me once more before unzipping his jacket and pulling his shirt over his head to drop it on the ground.

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