Chapter 49.

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The night was pitch dark compared to the previous nights where there was still a bit of light. It was cold too. The clothes I was wearing was noting to hold back countries amounts of shivers and chills going down my body.

We were walking all around the place in search for Avan and the cars. And having there not be a lot of light made it hard.

"Where is he?" Louis asked, stopping to look around the area.

"There!" Niall called back seconds later.

We all turned to look at where he was pointing. There, we saw Avan's white dress shirt with an unmade tie around his neck step out of his car.

They all speed walked up to him, Tess staying behind as she helped me walk. She wanted to help me since I was becoming dizzy and I was glad she did.

"Where were you!" Zayn asked opening the back of his car.

"I was here?" He started to help Zayn and the other guys put the stuff away. "Is this everything?"

They nodded, soon breaking silence.

"Well, I guess we should get going." Harry spoke reaching a hand out to Vanessa.

Zayn stepped forward, doing a handshake with Harry's free hand and then stepping back.

"Thanks again, mate. For everything."

Harry shook his head in disagreement, smiling back at Zayn. "Don't worry about it." He looked back at me, "She's one of us now."

I never knew I could be part of there little pack and really didn't care about it either. But I'm glad they accept me in it anyways. I turned to Tess as she playfully gripped my arm. It almost seemed as if she understood they liked me.

"Are you guys going to be okay for tonight?" Vanessa asked.

Zayn looked around Avan and his Mom to finally stop on me. His lips curved into a small smile while he nodded his head. "Yeah." He looked back at them. "I'm sure we'll be fine."

"Okay then," Harry continued, "See you guys tomorrow."

"Feel better, Paige." Vanessa called out as Harry turned them around to walk forward towards his car adjacent to the one we were standing by from.

Our attention was quickly broken as Louis's hands clapped loudly together. "Well, we should get going too."

The guys nodded. It left me wondering over a few other things.

"Where are you guys going stay?" I asked.

Louis looked back at Liam and Niall before turning back to me. "Well it's too late to drive back home so I guess we'll just spend the night in one of the rooms from the hotel Harry's staying in."

"Are you sure?" Tess asked looking back at them in  concerned way, letting go of me once I told her I was feeling better. Either way, she still kept a close feet away from me just incase.

Louis and the rest of the guys shook their heads an smiled.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Malik, we'll be fine." He smiled.

"Yeah, it's Paige you should be worried about." Liam added.

Tess smiled, nodding her head in an understanding look.

"So when are you two planning on leaving?" Niall asked.

Bad move.

Zayn's  mother's face quickly changed emotions. She was literally just reunited with her sons; the one who left and the one who followed. I guess I can relate with Avan and where he was heading with all this older sibling stuff. I was just like him with my older sibling, Kennedy. I know I can't put myself in their situation but I also did copy everything my sister did. Therefore, you can't really blame Avan for stuff, he just wanted to fit in and be like his older sibling, Zayn.

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