Chapter 44.

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I watched as Zayn entered the room from the bathroom in only a towel around his waist. Its become rather dark outside from last time I checked. People started to come, I could hear it from downstairs. All that was left was just for Zayn and I to get dressed. At least, only Zayn. I was almost done anyways.

I sat in silence as I finished up putting my jewelry by his mirror. My hair was up in a hairstyle my mother loved to do to Kennedy and I when we were younger. A dress the color of dark violet fell down my mid thighs and I decided to wear a pair of simple black flats. I've had a tough day today, it was the least I could do to my feet. As I finished applying my last cover of lipstick, I looked behind the mirror to see Zayn grab a pair of jeans and drop it onto his bed.

He still hasn't said much to me but I knew it wasn't something to really worry about. He told me so himself that he was just thinking.

He took off his towel, sliding up his underwear before sliding up his pants and buckling them up. He turned around, noticing me from the mirror. "I don't mean to interrupt your little drooling session, but you're kinda making me uncomfortable?" He chuckled.

"Sorry." I quickly looked away, closing the top on my lipstick and putting it down to grab my mascara.

When I looked up, I saw Zayn just inches away from my back. I giggled at his random actions. I thought he was still too angry to talk to me but I guess that's over and done with. At least with him. I still feel guilty for having him feel like that. I was being selfish, only caring about not having him get angry at me that I decided to keep my mouth shut. Only I never knew that it was driving him crazy inside.

"You look beautiful in that dress." He smiled looking at me from the mirror.

I finished layering my lashes and started to close up the bottle. A smile never left my face as I also looked at him from the mirror.

"You really do, Paige." He spoke more strictly as if I had to take his compliment.

"Thanks." I looked down at my makeup bag, shuffling through the objects so I wouldn't have to look at his hurting face.

I felt my wrist being gripped and turning around, taking my body with it as Zayn stared down at me. I watched as his chest roughly rise and fall. Eyes turning black but slowly turning back to their light brown color.

"You're mad at me." He looked down into my eyes as if he could see right through me. Only he was wrong.

"I'm not mad at you, Zayn." I tried to smile but didn't turn out so good so I looked down. "I just-- I'm sorry for putting you through that."

"Just forget about that, okay?" He wandered into my eyes, leaning into my lips but stopping before he even kissed me.

I didn't know what to do, I needed to touch him. But fear of what he could've done to me because of that slowly heightened. My eyes remained closed, waiting to taste his pink, minty lips, but it never happened. He only kept his hands cupping my cheeks as his warm cold breath fanned over my skin. Finally, I built up the courage to bring my hands over to his bare waist. Making contact with his skin left goosebumps to my skin. His lips finally closed from his agape mouth, raising up to press a long and lingering kiss the roof of my forehead.

He drew back shortly to walk away back to his clothes. He has left me desperate for more contact. I didn't find that game at all amusing anymore.

"I'm going to go help your Mom with the guest." I turned around, not finding the courage to even smile as I closed up my makeup kit.

I rushed out towards the door. As soon as I gripped the handle, I stopped.

"Wait." Zayn called out, "Come back here."

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