Chapter 40.

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Zayn opened the front door to his Mom's flat for me to step in. The lights were off and it made it almost impossible to walk around the place but I still did it anyways while Zayn locked up.

My feet led me to the kitchen, heals clicking against the tile floor. I searched for the light switch in the dark atmosphere, soon finding it to turn on the dim kitchen lights. Immediately, my eyes darted over to a small slip of paper taped to the refrigerator door. I slowly turned my head back around to see Zayn was on his phone. This gave me time to see what the mysterious piece of paper was doing there.

I walked up to it, gently removing it from the surface and looking at the cursive writing.


Don't worry, I took a late shift for the night. Hope you and Paige had a wonderful time. See you both in the morning, take care.

Love you, Mum

I read the note multiple times to myself, softly giggling at the sweet person she is. How could Zayn be away from this for so long? I mean, I understand me because of my Mom's job, but not him. I don't think anyone knows how much I'd give to have my Mom with me all the time. Now that she's gone, who knows when she'll be back. Dad's also going to be here for a for more days I'm sure. The most he's ever stayed home was two weeks tops. After that, I'm back to being home all alone till further notice.

"Hey." I heard a deep voice chuckle from behind me. "What's that?"

I turned my head around but not that it was much help since he was already right behind me.

His arms wrapped around my waist, pecking a small kiss to my neck and reaching a hand out to grab the note. My head rolled back to his shoulder as my hands started to gently crease his arms around me, waiting for him to finish reading it.

I felt his laugh vibrate on my upper back as he leaned us forward so he can place the note back on the counter. He turned me around once he straightened us out, eyes divergently looking straight at mine. I felt my cheeks start to heat up just by looking at each other. It was something I felt like it was never going to end between us. Especially when Zayn pointed it out with his small smile.

"Why are you blushing?" He chuckled. "I haven't even said anything?"

I looked down, not being able to control the redness I started to get.

The room got hotter.

"Are you shy?" He asked again leaning down to try and get me to look back up at him.

I honestly didn't know the answer. I literally made him drive us back here, expecting to do something, but now... Now I'm just not sure. Stupid realization! Why is it that it has to come in as soon as I feel closer to him?

"Paige?" This time he looked serious.

I shook my head, looking back up at him to give him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine."

He looked at me for what felt like a long time, almost as if he was seeing right through me.

"No you're not." He finally stated.

I looked back down, this time stopping midway down to spot the new silver ring still hanging around my neck. This caused me smile as I remember the look on Zayn's face as he gave it to me. He was just as nervous as I am right now. My fingers started to fiddle with the metal before looking up at Zayn. Not wasting another second, I caught hold of his dry lips with mine.

It was all I could think of. I was definitely sure of it this time.

The kiss didn't stop, only heated up. When I thought it wasn't going to end, was when Zayn pulled away. Gripping my arms to hold me back he shook his head.

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