Chapter 12.

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It seems as if Kennedy and I have spent the entire afternoon talking and getting to know each other better. I always loved bonding with my only sister, we're really close and I'm grateful we're not one of those type of sister's who are always fighting. We had a great time cooking together Mom's favorite meal and talking about other things.

But I have to admit, Zayn was the main subject tonight, though, she doesn't really know the while story. Not even his name for starters.

I didn't even tell her about last night. It's something I rather not talk about right now in this happy moment.

After we cleaned up the kitchen and had the meal ready for Mom when she comes we decided to sit down in the living room couch. I was already in my pajamas so I stayed back and waited for Kennedy to change into hers.

My vision was intentionally focused on the TV screen in front of me. The movie that was playing while I waited for Kennedy to return had me on the edge of my seat. It wasn't long before my phone began to buzz again on the edge of the coffee table in front of me.

I reached a hand towards it and immediately saw it was a text from Claire informing me of her sister's boyfriend's house address for tomorrow. I didn't hesitate on replying her back with a thank you and I'll see her tomorrow.

As I placed my phone back on the coffee table, I heard footsteps approach closer to me. Looking up, I saw Kennedy in a pink tank top and blue pajama pants with little white clouds all around it. The sight of her wearing my pajamas made me chuckle a little, in a good way of course. But if only she knew how stupid those pants looked on her, she'd be laughing too. There's a reason why I don't wear those.

"What's so funny?" Kennedy smiled.

"Nothing, nice pajamas by the way." I taunted.

Kennedy playfully rolled her eyes as she walked up to the couch I was sitting on, "Gee thanks."

"Im sorry I just had to amuse myself somehow." I giggled.

The room was one again silent, at first I thought it was nothing but then I realized that Kennedy had something in her mind.


"Mhm?" I asked looking at her as she pulled her legs up in the couch and swung her arms around her legs.

She stayed there just staring at her knees. I grew more alert towards what she wanted to ask.

"I know you must think I'm such a horrible person since I'm asking you this now instead of asking you sooner...But...Do you want to get together one day and just hang out like tonight?" She asked.

"Of course I would....But I don't know when because I already told Zayn I'd talk with him but we still didn't pick a day to do so." I admitted.

"So that's his name." She smiled.

I nervously looked down at my lap, letting my hair fall forwards to provide some sort of curtain between us so she doesn't see my smile. Why am I smiling?

"Paige, it's okay if you have a little crush on him." Kennedy chuckled. "That's totally normal."

I suddenly felt some sort of confidence rush through me as my instincts guided me into thinking that she would be giving me some advice.

"First of all, I don't even know if I like him." I pointed out "And second of all, I don't know if he's the right guy."

"Well how would you know if he's the right guy if don't even know if you like him?" Kennedy furrowed her eyebrows.

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