Chapter 30.

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We made a stop in the front lawn of my house. My Mom's car wasn't parked in the driveway and I recall her saying that she was going to be out of town for the night.

I suddenly jumped as a cold, large hand made contact with my exposed skin below my shorts. The contact which send chills down my back caused me to look at him.

"You know, I didn't get the chance to say this before," He paused for a second to park the car, almost immediately to look back at me, "But you look really hot in those clothes."

My face turned bright red as always.

"I like it that I make you blush." He playfully poked my nose with his finger and turned off his car.

I turned around, a blush still clearly presentable on my face as I opened the car door and jumped out. The night sky has already drawn into dawn. A cold breeze making it's way to blow cold air around my body.

My feet walked me over around the front of the car to see Zayn already leaning on his side of the car, a smirk merrily plastered on his face.

I couldn't help but walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I looked up at him.

I was stunned by the next thing he said, his mood changing completely. "No, Paige." His hands gripped mine behind his back and moved me away from him nodding his head, "I'm dirty, I don't want you to become dirty either."

I didn't listen and laced his fingers with mine, "You can take a shower inside."

"Would you join me?" He joked as we walked up the front steps of my front porch.

"Hilarious." I rolled my eyes, digging into my bag to pull out my keys.

The door was swung open, lights turned on before I moved in to let Zayn pass by afterwards.

"So, no Mum this time to make you hide in the shower with me?" He joked.

"No, my Mom's out of town for tonight." I walked into the kitchen, dropping my keys onto the countertop.

Zayn followed me into the kitchen. He stayed by the entrance as he watched me take out my plaid shirt and dropping it over a chair. I was soon to realize his ways as I started to walk towards the fridge.

"Is everything okay?" I giggled opening the door to have a cold blast of air hit me.

I was startled to find large hands cupping my upper arms and place a warm, lingering kiss to the skin of my neck. A small smile made its way onto my lips, taking out the bottle of Orange juice I was suddenly craving.

"What's that for?" I giggled as I felt his lips leave a trail of kisses up to the spot where my jaw met my neck.

"You're mine now." He smiled between kisses.

I was about to burst out with all of the emotions I was starting to feel if I didn't back away. I loosened off his grip to walk to a cabinet and take out two cups.

"Do you want some juice?" I asked looking back.

Zayn didn't seem the way I expected. He looked down at the floor, hands gripping the island countertop before nodding his head. "That's fine."

I turned back around slowly, placing the other cup back in the cabinet as I thought about what I must've done.

"You know where the bathroom is." I spoke as I poured the liquid in the cup. "I think we have some spare towels." I turned around, taking a sip of juice, "Just leave your clothes outside and I'll put them to wash."

Zayn smiled, looking back down before walking up to me. "Since when are you so homey about things?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. I'm always like this?

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