Chapter 2.

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My eyes fluttered open to the shining razes of sunlight that creeped into my bedroom from the thin white curtains over my windows. My body rolled over to lay flat on my back, the ceiling suddenly became very interesting as I pictured the events from last night. It scares me to even think about ever running into that guy again and having the same thing happen to me. Why would he even do that in the first place? He doesn't even know me, or does he? No.. 

I tried my best to shake away the feeling of his lips on mine or the feel of his tongue passing over my bottom lip. But it was difficult. No guy has ever done to me and now it's all I can think about. 

"Paige!" I heard Kennedy shout as she walked down the hallway towards my bedroom. She gently knocked on my door and ended up creeping it open. I quickly plopped myself up on my elbows and turned my head towards the door to look at her standing in front of it. 

"What happened?" I asked her. 

"Your friends are here to see you. Is it okay for them to come up now? Or do I tell them to wait until you're ready?" Kennedy asked. 

"They can come up if they want. Tell them it's fine by me." No introduction was need to know it was just Claire, Allison, and Ariana. 

"Alright, I'll go tell them." Kennedy smiled while leaving my room. 

Not wasting another second, I stood up from my bed and started to make my room tidy enough for them to not notice all the mess I had from last night.  Normally I'm not messy at all but coming home at 12:30 a.m. doesn't give me much of a choice to clean up. And even if they've seen my room messy at times I still think it's rude to leave it however. 

My bed was neatly made in a matter of seconds and I was just about to drop my uniform from last night into the laundry basket when I heard my bedroom door open once again, this time revealing three figures. 

"Morning, Paige." Allison gracefully smiled. 

"Hi girls, you can sit where ever you want, let me just finish putting these last few stuff away." I replied as I walked over to my closet with my bag in one hand and my leather jacket in the other. 

"I see you're cleaning up your room." Claire joked. 

"Sorry, I literally just woke up." 

"This late?" Allison asked pulling out her phone and glancing at the screen before setting it down on my mattress, "It's 4:56?" 

"What!" I asked shocked as I closed my closet doors and walked over to them. 

"Yeah. What time did you end up going to bed?" Ariana asked. 

I had no idea it was this late, none the less, what time I even fell asleep. 

"Paige!" Claire snapped her fingers in front of my face in effort to wake me up. 

"Huh?" I glanced back up at them with a confused look on my face, clearly I was lost. 

"Is everything okay? You've been acting really strange ever since last night? Do you want to talk about it?" Claire asked. 

"You can trust us." Ariana added. 

I wanted to tell them, I mean I really did. But it's just something that I've never experienced before so I don't know what to expect. Will they support me or say I'm overreacting with all of this. But in the outcome, they're my friends and they trust me with their secrets too, no matter how personal. 

"It's just that.. Last night at Charlie's, the weirdest thing happened."


"Holy Shit!" Claire blurted out. 

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