Chapter 16.

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I walked back into my bedroom from changing my clothes in the bathroom. I was very astonished my Mom is still sounds asleep in her bedroom downstairs and didn't bother to come check what's all the ruckus about. But I'm glad she didn't.

Zayn plopped himself up on his elbows as he watched me enter. He was clearly better now since he got cleaned up and had some time alone to just think to himself. I know that helps me, and a lot.

The covers fell lower on his bare chest and I prayed to God his other half was still clothed. I kept my back towards Zayn as I put everything away to go to bed.

As I did that, I felt the mattress make a sound as if someone stood up from it. And then I heard the strangest sound of a small metal being messed with.

By the time I turned around, his belt was already unbuckled and his pants landed on the floor.

I quickly gasped, eyes widened before quickly turning around in embarrassment.

"Oh my God!"

"I hope you don't mind but I sleep better in just a pair of boxers, is that okay?" He asked.

I knew he was doing this on purpose. He's making me feel tempted to him but it's not going to work, I won't let that happen.

"Sure, just cover up, please." I asked still looking at my boring wall so I don't have to see him half naked.

When I heard a shuffling sound, I knew it was safe to turn around again. Thank God Zayn was already wrapped up in the covers once I started to make my way over to the side.

Zayn pulled the the duvet back for me to slip in. It was warm, goose bumps quickly rise on my skin as a strong arm dragged me closer to Zayn's body. There was a few minutes of silence before my mind wandered back to earlier tonight. My mouth seems to have a mind of its own as the words started to tumble out before I could stop them.

"Why does Ezra hate you so badly that he's willing to even kill you?"

I felt his arm tense tightly around my waist. The subject was obviously something that touched a nerve. My body wiggled round in his hold to face him. Our noses were extremely close. Zayn opened his eyes as we both laid on our sides. His big brown eyes stared at me as I felt his warm breath fan over my skin.

I was about to tell him not to worry about it, but he quietly spoke.

"I never met my father." He continued.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that." I cut in.

"I'm not." He tried to smile as if it wasn't a big deal but it was.

"Zayn." He slowly rolled his head back. "What happened?"

I patiently waited as he seemed to be divided as what he was going to say.


No one had ever asked me about that before. I never really brought it up and I never wanted to. The guy is a piece of crap and I'm glad he never crossed my mind...Until now.

I watched as Paige fixed herself in bed, carefully sitting up. Blue eyes peered into mine as she waited for me to say something. It may have been the fact that I still had alcohol flowing through my system, giving me the push I needed. It surprised me when the words feel from my mouth.

"I don't remember much but I know my Mum was happy." I spoke.

Paige's eyes filled with concentration.

"was happy." My mind flashed back to the memory of my father holding me up in the air. I'd say I was about two. Amazing how I could still remember.

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