Chapter 9.

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I felt Zayn come to a gentle stop as we got closer to the small diner-looking restaurant. The streets were quiet,not much cars were strolling around,a few people were walking past us minding their own business.

It got a lot colder,I wasn't going to lie. And with all the stuff that's been going on didn't make it much easier to not shiver. Especially knowing that I agreed to go get some food with Zayn. I should've just denied his offer and go home since it's all I've been wanting lately. But then again, he did save me and I didn't want to be rude. If it wasn't for him,I wouldn't be here right now, safe.

No matter how stupid it sounds in my head,I think I was never really safe until now,with Zayn.

I felt the motorcycle come to a full stop in a small parking space right in front of the restaurant. He stepped down once the engine was turned off and kicked the stand out.

Not knowing what to do,I took off the helmet and stood up. My eyes curiously aimed into his,not bothering to look away.

He stretched his arms out to me and gripped the helmet from my hands so he can place it on one of the handles. Looking back down at me,a small smile creeped into his lips.


I gave my head a light knod before turning around and stepping over the small step into the sidewalk. My eyes wandering at the gleaming Christmas lights coming from inside of the diner. The smell of fresh made pizza devoured my senses causing me to lightly close my eyes.

I immediately regretted my action as I felt my foot kick over one of the small fight off stairs to go into the diner and quickly trip myself forward. A small gasp was released from my mouth as I felt a pair of two warm hands grip my waist and pull me back up, preventing me from getting hurt.

"I gotcha." I felt his chest vibrate against my back which he held close to.

I broke free from his grip in a polite way before turning back around to see him. A small smile appeared in his lips and for once,he didn't look like some creepy guy who just has one intention on his mind.

"Is something wrong?" He asked once I continued to stare at him.

I immediately snapped afterwards and nodded my head in disagreement. For some reason I couldn't make out any words,still fearful of what I may say mislead him in any way that I didn't appreciate what he did for me because I did. A lot,actually.

Zayn beat me to the front door of the small building which read Mario's Italian Style Pizza and swung the door open. I slowly walked in,taking in all the wonderful smells of food and the beauty of this atmosphere. I've never been here before and I never knew there could be a place so classy in this part of New York.

I watched as a tall guy,almost about Zayn's height approach us. He had a dark shade of brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

He wore a neat suit with black pants,a white collar dress shirt and black tie. A smile lit up his face in delight. It was clear these two knew each other.

"Hello,mate. Haven't seen you in a while here,don't you say?" His heavy British accent spoke,eyes quickly diverting to me,"And who is this?"

"Louis,this is Paige. We're just here to eat some food."Zayn spoke in the  complete opposite tone that Louis was using.

"Well no shit! You're didn't come here to watch a movie." He spoke sarcastically.

I found his comeback a bit funny which made me chuckle. Both of their attention was quickly drawn to me. A smile curving back into the serious look Zayn had in his face from my little awkward moment.

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