Chapter 21.

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Zayn led me over to the back of his house where a stain glass door was pulled open. I walked through and saw a small crowd of just Louis and Vanessa hovering their bodies over  someone.

"Harry!" Zayn called out.

Vanessa and Louis moved to a side to reveal a body on one knee in the ground, intentionally focused on the motorcycle he was working with.

Harry stood up and turned to me, he was just as frightening as Zayn is at times.

"Hello there?" His voice sounded confused.

"Hi." I shyly smiled.

Harry looked up at Zayn as if he was wondering who I was. Zayn immediately stepped in next to me.

"This is Paige." He smiled.

"Finally!" Harry exclaimed. "It's about time we get to see you."

I was about to respond to him but Zayn interrupted me before I had the chance.

"Oookay, she's already heard the story. There's no need for her to hear it again."

Harry rolled his eyes before looking back at the motorcycle he was working on, "Hey, listen, your motorcycle is fixed. It seems Ezra couldn't find the wire to make it stop working."

My head turned to look at Zayn by the sound of the name Ezra. What could he be doing to mess with Zayn this time?


"It's nothing." Zayn's vice got stern.

"He's messing with you again?" I asked.

Zayn didn't answer only looked away. I decided to turn to his friends who were quietly looking at us. I didn't really need their approval that Zayn was lying, I saw right through him.

They all nodded in agreement starting with Louis. I then noticed Vanessa lace her fingers with Harry's and walk back inside the house. Louis followed leaving Zayn and I alone again.

I turned back to Zayn as he started to look around. His actions started to get to me. I took a step forward to look up at him, his eyes were filled with revenge. This has to stop.

"Zayn," I softly spoke. "What ever he did, don't get involved. He's not worth it."

Zayn's nostrils flamed in anger, his eyes never meeting mine. It came to the point I had to cup his cheeks with the palm of my hands to bring his head down to look at me.

His face relaxed, breathing becoming regular again.

My eyes flickered from eye to eye, trying to read his expression. He finally calmed down giving me enough time to talk again.

"Ignore him, you'll see he'll leave you alone."

Zayn moved away from my touch, his back turning towards me as he ran a hand through his hair.

"No he won't, you don't know him! He won't stop until he sees me dead on the ground!" He angrily exclaimed.

I didn't understand it, from what Zayn told me the other night Ezra was the one who was hooking up with his girlfriend. So why is he trying to get back at Zayn?

"I-Is there something I'm missing?" I uttered.

The way Zayn quickly turned back around made me jump inside but not move away which was what I think he was thinking of. He was going to say something, I know he was, but he shut himself up before he could. I walked back up to him, his face was confused.

I rose my hands to cup his cheeks again, a touch he found calming. My thumb carelessly ceased the warm surface of his skin making his eyes flutter closed. He quickly looked back up with a stern look on his face.

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