Chapter 23.

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"Ezra?" I questioned.

I knew it. That guy never brings good news. But what would these guys be doing to bring Ezra to them.

I glanced at all of them, anger started to rush through me as my voice seemed to change.

"Excuse me."

I jolted up to the stairs but a voice from behind caused me to stop in my tracks.

"I wouldn't go up there if I were you." Harry's raspy voice spoke.

"And why not?" I asked, my back still turned to him.

"He's mad, and when he's mad, he becomes aggressive." He replied.

I want aware of my actions before I turned back around and walked over to one of the two first aid kits Vanessa had out on the countertop.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked.

"Paige, listen to the guys." Vanessa called out.

"I won't take long." I responded walking back over to the stairs.

"You're crazy!" Louis called out as I made a turn to jog up the stairs.

I reached the top and was immediately surrounded by closed doors in a square hallway. Not knowing which one was Zayn's room or which room he could be in, I was left to find it alone.

As I walked to the first door I saw, I heard a sudden slam and the sounds of breaking glass were heard from the door behind me. I knew that moment that my intended target was found.

Walking back to the door, I gripped the doorknob but noticed it was locked.

"Zayn!" I spoke through the wood, "Zayn, please open the door!"

Nothing. Only the sounds of more furniture being tipped over and glass breaking was heard. I knew it was no use to just stand here and pray for him to open the door while he could be losing his mind on the other side. So I did the first thing that my father always did to me when I would lock myself up in my room. A trick he always played on me.

Opening the first aid kit, I searched for something pointy. Luckily I found a small paperclip holding together some bandages. I slipped it off and straightened it out, soon to poke it inside the small hole.

The door was carefully opened, Zayn didn't notice it and I wasn't planning on him to until he was calmed down.

I stood quietly looking at him toss things around. He was completely shirtless, his clothes were laying somewhere in the floor beneath all the mess he's made. Scratches and badly bruised marks showed all around his back.

It finally came to the point he stopped.

Fear showed up in my eyes by the way he turned around to look and me with a deadly expression. I tried not to let my fear show bit it wasn't so easy. Zayn is a scary guy when he's mad and everyone fears him if he gets up on you.

"How did you get in here?" He almost growled.

"I um..."

Zayn turned back around before I could think of something to say. His expression was blank, no words could describe how he feeling.

I took a moment to observe the mess he's made. A lamp was shattered onto the carpet floor, bed sheets were thrown across the room, pillows everywhere, and the worst part of all, three holes in the wall.

"This is all bullshit!" He raised his voice ripping the curtains of the window.

"Okay, stop!" I ran up to him.

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