Chapter 46.

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The hospital's atmosphere grew busier as the night drew on.

The only sounds heard were those of phones ringing and the speaker calling out for doctors every now and then. It felt so empty now, in the waiting room. Nearly everyone has left, leaving only Harry, Vanessa, Avan, and I to wait around and see what goes down. There's still no answer on Paige, but I was willing to stay all night if I had to. My blazer had to be taken off about half an hour ago. It was my nerves, they were going ecstatic and I couldn't find myself to stay still.

I hate hospitals. It only reminds me of last time I was here for my Aunt. Nothing good came out of that visit. But I couldn't think like that, it's wrong and not true.

"We're here!" A loud voice barged in through the entrance of the waiting room.

I stood up from my chair, looking out in front of me to see Louis race to where we were.

"I got the call." Louis gasped for air. "We came here as soon as we could. Sorry we couldn't be here sooner, traffic was crazy!"

"That's okay." I felt my face heavy, if that's even possible? I guess it's because I was growing tired and my eyes had enough with the tears.

I then noticed something strange about the scene in front of me.

"Where are the other lads?" I asked. I thought they was coming with him.

Louis turned his head around, searching behind the hospital's hallways.

"They went to pick up something for Paige." He acknowledged, turning his attention over really quickly to wave hi to Harry.

"So where is she?" He asked once he was back with me.

"Somewhere around here." I looked down, "They won't tell us anything."

"I'm sorry it had to end up here, mate." He frowned, patting my shoulder.

I didn't want to say anything because the guilt started to rise up inside me. Louis kept the frowned look on his face, putting both hands in his front pockets. All I could think of was wanting some answers, something! Can they even do something like this? We've been here for more than four hours and they haven't said shit. I'm surprised all my friends actually stayed, even if some of them are almost knocked out.

"Thanks for coming." I smiled looking back up at Louis.

I never thought he'll waste an hour driving across town from whatever he was doing to just to get here while all of this is happening. I've really opened up about this whole friendship thing. I regret treating them the way I did in the past because one thing's for sure, I can't lose them. And it's all because of Paige.

"Don't worry about it, mate, we're all here for you." He smiled, "And Paige."

I smiled, thinking about her one more time before going into mental breakdown. I can't cry anymore, that's been wasted a long ass time ago. The only thing I could do is just feel regret and guilt because that's all that's left of me right now.

"Um? Excuse me?" A middle-aged looking lady came into the waiting room holding a notepad and pen. "Is there someone here for... Paige Hoffer?"

I immediately shot up to her, Louis behind me as well as Avan. Harry and Vanessa quickly joined. It was basically the entire room waiting on her and the lady's eyes shot open because of that.

"Is there a parent or legal guardian I may speak to?" She asked.

Louis cursed to himself in the background.

"I'm her boyfriend, she was left with me for the weekend." I informed taking a step closer away from the group of people I was encircled in. "Is she okay?"

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