Chapter 54.

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I jolted awake to the sound of thunder. Bright flashing illuminating the window that had a thin layer of curtain fabric drawn over it. My sudden movement caused something to stir beneath me. I sighed, relief washing over me as I saw it was only Zayn. I was glad to have been awaken from the awful dream, more like nightmare, I was in. The earlier events from when we were in Tess's house, the shooting, replaying in my uneasy mind as I slept.

My body relax, finding myself in awe as the angry weather outside continued to provide striking flashes of light. Zayn's beautiful face illuminated for seconds at a time before the room was plunged into gloom again. Even in dim light I could see his messy hair sprawled out on the pillow. Long eyelashes rested on the top of his cheeks. My eyes fell to his lips, the bottom one slightly swollen but only because of how deep he fell in his sleep. He was still apart from the steady movement of his chest and the occasional twitch of his fingers.

I recalled our shower. It was sweet, passionate, and just nothing I ever pictured myself ever doing. He got the answer to his question, he forced it out but it was still an answer. Purple. That moment was also filled with small, random conversations. I was happy, he didn't seem like he was worried about what was going on. The situation must be really hard to handle. I could never picture myself in that situation. It just sucks that it all hit him at the same time, he and his family. He doesn't deserve that. Even though I know he said he does, I know he doesn't. The only one who deserves something to come get him right back in the ass is Ezra. How could he be so stupid in dong such a thing? Zayn can't be much of threat to him? We could've died last night.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Zayn shot up, the loud weather yanking him from sleep. His hands instantly finding mine, pulling me to his body as he breathed heavily.

"Zayn, it's just thunder." I whispered, attempting to calm him down.

 His arm protectively wrapped around my body. My fingers moved in soothing circles across his bare skin as I gradually felt his muscles relax.

"That's not why I woke up."


I squinted slightly at the bright light peeking through the edges of the curtains. Zayn was still asleep, mouth slightly agape as his chest rose and fell. I gently pried his strong arms from around my body, shuffling out of the bed. Zayn rolled onto his front, face planted to the pillow as he lightly snored. My hands quietly rooted through my drawers, pulling out clothes for me to wear after my shower and looking at the time on my alarm clock. 7:15. I have just enough time before I have to be back at work. Vacation is over and I know Zayn won't let me skip work to be with him.

My head turned, eyes still looking at the sleeping figure in my bed before I shut the door to the bathroom. I washed and I changed, everything done as quickly as possible so I have enough time to make breakfast for the both of us. Since it's already past 7, I know my parents aren't home. They have to start really early on Mondays so I guess this means it'll just be Zayn and I for today. My appearance was checked in the mirror, a not-so-fancy but still elegant black dress rose from above my mid thighs as usual. I didn't bother on washing my hair since that was already done for me last night so I just let it flow in it's natural loose waves.

Disappointment grew in my eyes as I opened the door, remaining in locked contact with the messy sheets left on my mattress. Zayn no where in sight.

I shuffled my bare feet across the soft carpet, walking up to my bed. As I got there, I heard a sudden ringing noise coming from the nightstand next to me. I reached my hand and unlocked the message on display.

From: Zayn

Good morning, beautiful. Sorry I couldn't be there once you got out of the shower, I didn't want to disturb you. Something came up and I had to leave. Don't worry, I'm not doing anything stupid.. But I will see you again in the afternoon. I'll stop by at Charlie's and pick you up.

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