Chapter 25.

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We spent the last half an hour or so getting the living room ready for the movie. Harry and Vanessa brought over some blankets from upstairs while Louis and the blond guy, who I recall being named Niall, handled the food. Liam and I cleared up the living room with any trash or misplaced pillow we found. And finally, Zayn scrolled through the list of movies around Netflix.

"Did you find anything, mate?" Liam asked as he finished fluffing up a pillow.

Zayn didn't look back, he only kept his vision on the TV.

"There's nothing good here."

"That's because you're not looking close enough, there's so many great movies you just passed by." Liam walked over to him with a bright smile. "Here, let me choose the movie." He took the remote from Zayn and immediately started scrolling.

I couldn't help but smile at the way Zayn looked at Liam as he walked back.

I straighten out myself once I placed the pillow in a comfortable position for whoever comes to sit around it and began to slowly turn around. Regardless, someone else beat me to it.

Zayn's two strong arms lashed around my waist, a giggle escaping my mouth as he nudged his chin between my neck and shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I giggled.

I felt Liam turn around to look at us and from the corner if my eye I saw him smile then face back to the TV. We stood ourselves back up giving me a chance to swivel myself around in Zayn's arms so I could look at him face to face. My eyes trailed down his body, finding it very attractive the way he looked.

"Why are you still without a shirt?" I chucked, slowly biting down on my lip as I looked into his light brown orbs.

"Why not? I know you like it?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the idea that I didn't mind him walking around topless. "Very funny."

"You know," He leaned closer to the point where his dry pink lips nearly touched my ear, "If it wasn't for this movie , I would of had you all to myself like we planned."

He pulled away only to give me a look of complete seduction. The feeling of butterflies staring to flutter inside my stomach quickly grew but ended the next moment.

"Okay!" Vanessa walked in with Harry behind her, both carrying piles of different blankets.

She stood a bit awkward as I pulled away from Zayn.

"Did we interrupt--"

"No." I quickly cut in, nodding my head and smiling, reassuring her that everything was okay.

I was actually a bit disappointed she and Harry walked in. I like Zayn, I really do. Which is crazy referring to the past when I was terrified of him. But not anymore.

"Well we brought the blankets." Harry tried to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah," Zayn pinned his eyes at Harry, "We see that."

I looked up at him, quickly giving him a warning look as I turned back to Harry and smiled. "Would you like some help putting them around?"

Harry nodded his head, "That's alright, love, I got this settled."

"Did you bring any clothes to change into?" Vanessa asked.

I took notice to see that her and Harry had both already changed into a pair of comfortable looking pajamas.

"No, I-I never knew I had to?"

"Well what did you think, we were actually going to watch a movie in our work clothes?" She suddenly paused, her tone of voice completely changing. "Oh right, you guys didn't know we were here."

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