Chapter 17.

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The earlier events from last night replayed in my uneasy mind as I slept. It was all I could think about, I'm not even sure if I had the chance to go to sleep. I didn't want to justify the violent behavior he displayed, but I could most certainly understand why he did. I began to believe that Zayn's actions towards me weren't something I should be scared of. But he still held that that intimidating edge.

I never thought a person could go through so much, or at least go though so much and still be able to talk to someone about it. I could tell I was the first person he told that to by the way he kept on stopping, almost to make sure he wasn't spilling to much.

I now understood everything.  Including the fact that Ezra hates Zayn because he beat him up in front of his play toy and lost his reputation of being the toughest guy around.

But the one thing I didn't fully understand is who is the person that Zayn was talking about that would come while he's visiting his Mom?

My mind wasn't fully functioning, all I needed right now was a warm shower. A warm shower that would also let me think straight.

My body was forced to sit up, quickly stopping as I felt something stir beneath me. I looked down and saw Zayn, motionless sleeping.

His mouth was still agape, chest slowly rising and falling. Long lashes rested on top of his cheeks as I stated at his dry pink lips.

Gently, I pried his strong arms from around my body and shuffled out of bed. Zayn rolled onto his front, face planted to the pillow as he lightly snored. My hands quietly rooted through my drawers, pulling out clothes for me to change into after my shower.

My head turned, eyes locking on the still sleeping figure in my bed before I shut the door to the bathroom.


I stepped out of the wet shower with a towel already tired up around my torso. I immediately managed to dry myself and drop the towel onto the sink. Slipping on all my clothes, I managed to put them on quickly.

Checking my appearance in the reflection of the mirror, I pushed my long, wet hair back over my shoulders. My fingers gripped the handle to the door from my bedroom, a jump ran through me as I noticed Zayn sitting up on my bed.

"Good morning." He chuckled.

"You scared me." I placed a hand over my chest and felt my own heartbeat going as fast as it ever did.

"Sorry." He smiled.

No words could describe how attractive he looked sitting in my bed. The duvet had fallen below his chest revealing his bare chest. His face was still puffed up from his sleep which made him look like a little boy, a half smile that send triggers down my body.

We sat in silence for a while, my mind wondering if I should ask him when he's going to leave because after all, my Mom is home and she's probably already up.

"I should get going." Zayn spoke getting himself out of bed.

"Don't you want to take a shower or eat breakfast before you leave?" I suddenly asked, mentally cursing myself for doing so.

Zayn chuckled as he looked around, "I'll take a shower." He glanced at me, "If you join me."

My eyes rolled at his answer but I couldn't help to smile a little, "Ha Ha..Very funny, Malik."

"Why not?" He chuckled.

I couldn't believe he's playing this game with me.


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