Chapter 31.

562 31 3

*Rated R, some scenes are too mature for viewers under 13 years of age.*

I was left complied as I found a way to make my lips leave contact with his, fully satisfied with what he had to offer me. But I didn't stop there. Zayn was left con confused as I sat myself back up, Zayn's body shadowing over me as I remained sitting down on the edge of my bed.

Blazing brown orbs never left me as I crossed my arms over my stomach, fingertips finding the hem of my top. My bottom lip was taken harshly between my teeth as I raised the material up. My vision becoming blurry as I struggled in my nervous state. I heard a deep laugh before large warm hands rested over my own, guiding me to remove it over my head.

Once off, I dropped it to the floor.

The blush on my cheeks seemed to heat me entirety. I sat in my bra and shorts. Soon to notice the towering male in front of me do the same. Now, both of us stood topless as Zayn closed the distance.

Soft, full lips were instantly on mine, tongue forcing its way into my mouth. I didn't resist, my body surrendering itself to him. Zayn could have everything I was able to give and more. I was his.

My hands gripped the back of his neck. Heart thumping against my chest as I felt his long fingers fumble with the button on my shorts. I gasped into his mouth as he tugged the zipper down.

"Shh." Zayn comforted. "It's alright, Baby."

His whispered words had me calm down, even though my breath was still trembling from my parted lips.

I stood frozen as his fingers were hooked into my jeans, pulling them down over the curve of my backside. My touch was urgently switched to grip the hair on the back of his head. I was forced to lose contact as my jeans were eased down round my ankles. Zayn suddenly removing them back towards the ground. He slowly moved away, finding a way to stand back up, bringing me up with him. The length of my hair fell forward over my shoulders, blending in with my black bra.

"Holy shit." Zayn spoke.

His lustful eyes trailed from my head to my feet. He took his time, lovingly taking in the curves of my body. I watched his heart-fluttering smile appear as I nervously wriggled my toes.

"Nice colour." He complimented the shinning red nail polish.

"Thanks." I shyly whispered.

I just wanted to feel his warmth again. I couldn't wait any longer, I demand for contact. Zayn's palms caressed the soft skin he touched all around my body. It wasn't long before I felt him smile in the kiss as I discovered a spot in the back of his neck where he likes to be touched.

Fingers instantly went back to grip into his black hair.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbled.

I gasped, one hand remaining tangled in Zayn's hair, the other gripping the back of his neck as he walked me backwards. The heated kiss was broken. I had lost count of the number of times Zayn had swept me off my feet but this one for sure cause a giggle to escape my lips.

My hair fanned out around me as Zayn laid me back on the duvet. His gaze was almost in awe. Eyes never leaving my body.

"Zayn." I breathy whispered.

I reached out to him, trying to get him to move closer. He complied, kneeling in between my legs as he brought my hand up to his mouth.

Pink lips left small kisses to the skin. His large hand brushing against the bracelets around my wrist as his touch slid up my forearm then back down to my hand.

I intently watched as fingers begin to carefully remove the jewellery. His eyes locked on my face as one by one the bracelets were taken from me. My arm was turned over, Zayn leaning in to press his warm mouth to the underside of my naked wrist.

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