A normal day

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*Cameryns POV
I wake up and I am surrounded by everyone. They look so happy! They were probably this happy all the time before I came around. I recorded some videos for the week. I walk out of the room and they are all still asleep so I decide to take a walk. Cuan follows behind me. I walk around the beautiful Ireland landscape. I run into this girl she looks really nice! Well so did Ash I remind myself. Don't trust anyone.

"Hello SepticeyeCam can you please sign my Sam plushie!" She says reaching into her bag.

"Yeah sure!" I say pulling out a sharpie.

"I love your dog! He reminds me of my fox! His name is whiskers." She smiles. Wait how could she see him? Does she have powers ok weird.

"By the way I like the Anti thing you got going on! It really cool! We'll see you around!" She says leaving and taking Sam.

"If you are in trouble you know where to find me!" She says smiling. I turn and start walking again.

Well that was weird. I continue walking and I get to the country. It is very beautiful looks like something out of a movie. I sit down and take in my surroundings. It is very calm not a problem in the world. What can I do to keep myself out of trouble? I need to protect my family! Anything! I look down and it is almost 9 o'clock. CRAP! I jump on Cuan and he races back home. I open the door. Thank god no one is awake yet!

"Where were you?" Jack says from the kitchen. Crap I spoke to soon.

"I just went for a walk to clear my mind!" I say and I go up and hug him.

"Ok. Please tell me next time though!" Jack says hugging me back.

"Hey Mark is still asleep.........wanna play a prank on him?" Jack grins.

"YES!" I say.

I run up and get shaving cream. Jack had green colored hair spray. We quietly walk in. I want Mark to look like a bottle of tabasco sauce. I take the spray and spray hair that isn't red including his beard and eyebrows. Jack piles the shaving cream into his hand.

"On the count of three yell booper dooper!" Jack whispers.

"1......2..............3 BOOPER DOOPER!!!" Me and Jack yell. Mark jumps up and puts the shaving cream on Jacks face. I laugh really hard.

"No body can prank me!" Mark says walking down stairs.

He didn't notice his hair yet. I hand Jack a towel and walk down stairs. Signe is down stairs and she has made pancakes. We sit down at the table and she brings us plates of pancakes. She looks at Mark and starts laughing. She goes to the fridge and pulls out tabasco sauce. Me and Jack are dying laughing.

"What is it guys?!" Mark says.

He gets up and walks to the bathroom and when he does I run and hide. I know he is going to get payback.

"WHAT THE?! CAMERYN YOUR GONNA GET IT!" Mark says running out the bathroom.

I hide and try not to laugh. It is really hard not to laugh. It's worse than trying not to laugh while watching Mark play Mario maker. When Mark goes to look in the down stairs bedroom I run up to my room and dive under my bed.

"I HEARD THAT YOU SNEAKY MUNCHKIN!!" Mark yells running up stairs.

Mark runs in my room and is looking all over. I close my eyes trying not to laugh. When I open my eyes I don't see him anywhere. Crap! I lost sight of him.

"GET REAKED!!!" Mark yells popping in front of me.

"FRICK FRACK PADDY WHACK!" I yell scared. (Yes I say this a lot)

"I've never heard that before." Mark laughs.

He helps me out from under the bed. We walk back down stairs. We finish breakfast. The rest of the day is really slow. We lay around Hack and Mark record videos. Signe taught me some defensive tricks I can do. Then I skype Felix, Bob, Wade, and Ken. We played prop hunt. At then end of the day we ordered wings and watch Nacho Libre. Today was a good day. No trouble just normal. There is a nock at the door.  Mark gets up to answer it.

"It for you Cameryn!" He says. Who could it be.

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