Chapter 49:I Need a Plan

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*Cameryns POV
I hear the gate creep open and I see Signe walk in. What is she doing here?! The only way to protect her is to act like I don't know her.

"Hello little girl what wrong?" She asks. Good she knows what to do.

"Oh nothing!" I play along.

"It's ok!" I she hugs me. She leans close to my ear.

"I am here to bust you out." She whispers in my ear. I lean in close to her ear.

"I am ok if I leave everyone will die. Please don't come back for me. If any of you die I will never forgive myself. I promise I will be home soon. I will try and get Anti to let me meet you and Jack. Please be safe and tell Jack I love him." I whisper in her ear. I let one hot tear escape and run down my face.

"Well if nothing is wrong I guess I will be on my way home. Stay safe little girl!" She calls leaving.

"Your in for it now!" I hear Dark say. Dark drags me away by my hair. I cry out in pain.

"HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM?!" He yells. Kicking my side.

"Anti said he would punish you but he would go easy on you since you look like Scarlet!" He says landing his foot in my ribs. He grabs my by the hair and make me look at him.

"You know Mark has never liked you!" He says punching me in the eye. My eye swells up immediately. He punches me again busting my lip.

"No one loves you. Not even yourself!" He says kicking me one last time and walking off.

I lay on the ground sobbing and clutching my side. I couldn't see out of one eye. I hear someone come up behind me. So I go into a ball.

"Hey get up!" Anti yells. I jump up.

"We need food so you don't die. Where can we get some?" He asks.

"Jack because I don't have money. There is a field no to far from here." I reply.

"Do you play me for a fool. You will run to them!" He says.

"Will I? If I do they all die!" I say.

"Fine. Dark will take you." He says disappearing to talk to Jack. That last sentence twisted my stomach.

(Time Skip)

"Ok time to go!" Anti says. Dark just smiles.

He grabs my arm holding it tight. He is holding it so tight blood drips down my arm. When he see this he laughs. It hurts so bad but I keep walking I have to see Jack. The walk seems forever. We arrive. Dark walks away after telling me if I run I am dead. I stand and wait. Jack and Signe pull up. Jack jumps out of the car and hugs me and I lean to his ear.

"Darkiplier is watching!" I whisper. I brake the hug and Signe. We talk and talk. I want to go home so bad. It's not fair. I want to be safer. I hear a crunch behind me and someone grabs my hair.

"Time to go brat!" Dark growls. I let out a quiet whimper with tears in my eyes. Signe and Jack look like they are about to go off on him. If they do he will hurt me. I grab Jacks hand and shake my head no. Dark drags me off. Before I am  completely gone Dark cuts my arm really deep and I scream. He kicks me to the ground and then picks me up. He takes me into the trees and holds a knife to my throat. I see Jack and Signe walk up and look around. Then they leave. They also leave the food. Dark picks up the food and burns it. He then knocks me out. It has been a long day.

(Time Skip)

I wake up in the garden in a pool of dried blood. It is so gross. I sit up and Scarlet is sitting next to me playing with her powers. She has figured out how to conjure fire. Dang it. I conjure fire up in my hand and I think and Jack appears through the fire he is crying. I must leave soon. I will talk to Anti. I can't stay forever.

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