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*Signe POV
Jack called me today he wants me to meet his daughter. I hope she likes me. I get ready and make my way to the cafe. As I walk up I can see Jacks green hair through the window. He gets up and he hugs me. I look over at Cameryn her mouth dropped open.

"Hello Cameryn!" I say sitting down.

"Hello Signe!" She says. Her voice is full of excitement. I can hear Jack laughing. I look over and notice a bracelet like mine. Does she know? She must!

"I like your bracelet!" I say.

"Thank you!" She says looking at me.

"So Cameryn how did you like the convention?" I smile.

"It was amazing! Can I ask how you and Jack met?" She asks.

"Sure! We met online. He saw my artwork he loved it and we have kinda gone from there!" I explaining and smiling at Jack.

"That's cool!" She says. Our food comes and we dig in.

"How about you.......anyone you like?" I say smiling.

"Nope no one for me!" She laughs. I doubt that.

We finish eating and drive back to Jacks house. I follow in my car. When we pull up to the house Cameryn jumps out of the car and runs up stairs.

Me and Jack go in the kitchen. He said we needed to talk.

"So......are you going to move in?" He asks. We have talked about this before.

"Yes!" I squeal.

We hug and talk some more before we hear Cameryn coming down stairs. She sits on the couch. Jack and I walk in and sit beside Cameryn. We sit there and watch some TV.

"Hey I am going to run to the store for dinner. Will you two be ok?" Jack asks jumping up.

"Yeah we will be fine!" She says.

Jack gets up and grabs his keys. He hugs me and Cameryn before leaving. We watch him leave.

"Um Signe where did you get that?" She asks pointing to my bracelet. I guess she doesn't know.

"My parents gave it to me. You have one too. Why do you have one?" I ask.

"I don't no. When my birth parents left me this is what they left me with. I was hoping you could tell me." She asks.

"Do weird thing happen when you take it off?" I question.

"I don't know I never have. I got a note that said never take it off!" She says.

"It's ok I will teach you how to control it. You and me are alike we need to stay together." I hug her.

"Ok take the bracelet off and try to move that glass of water." I say.

"That's crazy!" She yells.

"Trust me!" I smile

She takes it off and her face just lights up. I know how she feels I didn't take mine off till about her age. She starts floating off the ground and is moving the water pretty easily.

"Wow you are much more powerful than I thought." I laugh.

I hear Jack pull up. Cameryn falls to the ground and so does the water she runs and get a towel. She wipes up the water and sits back on the couch like nothing happened. I sit beside her

"You did good! Will we try again tomorrow. Ok?" I smile.

"Ok. Thank you!" She says. We hug. Jack walks in.

"What did I miss?" Jack laughs.

We eat dinner and watch movie. I head up to the bed room and get ready for bed.

"Good night dad and Signe." She call.

"Good night Cameryn!" I call up.

She is so sweet. I can't wait to teach her tomorrow. Since she doesn't know anything there is a lot to catch up on. I need to see what her main power is. My main power is slowing down time. I have many powers. Most of us do. She needs to know what we are. There are only 11 of us left. Weird how both of us are one.

"Hey are you ok?" Jack says walking into the room.

"Yeah just thinking." I reply.

"What about?" He asks.

"About what me and Cameryn are going to do tomorrow. Maybe we will go to the park while you record!" I say.

"That's cool! I wish I could spend all day with you two." Jack whines.

"It's ok you have a busy job. It is also a fun job." I say trying to cheer him up.

"I know." He says.

"Maybe we can have a picnic for dinner tomorrow." I say hugging him.

"Ok well I am going to check Twitter goodnight!" He said kissing me.

"Goodnight babe!" I call.

Me and Cameryn will go to the secret park. No one goes there anymore. It will be a good place to test her power. Plus a lot of the elements are present there. I lay in bed for awhile before I drift away. Tomorrow is going to be fun.

Authors note:
Sorry the chapter is a little late😘😘

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