We Won

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*Cameryns POV
As I close my eyes I feel like I am falling. Am I dead? Dying? I fall deeper into the blackness. I try to resist but I can't. I stop falling. I stand up and look around. All I see is pure blackness with one beam of light. I see glowing red eyes moving towards me. I back away until I hit something. I can't move back anymore. The beam of light just in front of me. I hear a chuckle as the eyes move closer. I know that voice. That voice has tortured me for years!

"Scarlet?" I call out. She comes into view.

"Miss me!" She calls out.

"What do you want?!" I ask annoyed.

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to see the idiot who got out powers taken away!" She says coldly. I don't say anything back.

"What are you still lacking the self confidence to do anything to me. Is it because you are still fat and over weight!" She says mocking me.

I have never liked Scarlet. Not just because she is evil but because she is everything I'm not. For example she is evil I am not. So she is skinny I am not. She is pretty I am not. She has confidence I do not. I hate her!

"Cameryn........hello are you going to stop me?" She says talking down to me like a child. I sink to my knees.

"That's what I thought! Weak Cam she never fights just runs." She laughs. I laugh too.

"Why are you laughing?" She snaps.

"Because I think it's funny that you think you are so important. Like you rule my life but you don't. You don't matter to me." I say.

"Yeah like you don't matter to anyone else. All you do is put people in danger." She snaps. She walks over to me and grabs my head and jerks it to where I am looking at her.

"You are nothing!" She says. Then she slaps me. I rise to me feet.

"No you get it right. You are nothing. All you do is tear me down and that is what you live for. GET A LIFE!" I say. She disappears. I am lifted off my feet by an unknown source. I start getting pushed up. I can hear Jack and Signe.

"Cameryn you are safe!" Signe says.

"Cam! Dads here you are ok!" Jack cries. I feel a tongue lick my face. I think it's Cuan. I open my eyes to see Jack and Signe crying and leaning over me. I sit up and grab them both into a hug.

"I am so sorry! Please forgive me. Y'all don't have to but just know I am so sorry...." I cry.

"Sweetheart it's ok! You have nothing to be sorry for!" Jack cries hugging us tight.

"Can you walk?" He asks me. I am not in that much pain.

"Yes!" I say confidently standing up. As I stand up pain shoots through my body. I fall back bracing myself to hit the ground hard. Jack catches me and scoops me up. He gives me a look of pity. He looks over at Signe. He looks concerned so I look over at Signe.

"Can you walk babe?" He asks her.

"Yeah. Let's worry about Cam!" She says leading the way home. She is holding on to Cuan for support. I can tell she is hurting just as bad as I am. Jack starts carrying me home.

"Hey for once I didn't wake up in a hospital!" I chuckle. As soon as I said that Jack face drops. I can read his emotions. I am such a horrible person why did I say that?!

"Dad you are not terrible! Every Time I am in the hospital it's my fault." I say. He hugs me in his arms. It hurts but I need a hug from him. I don't want him to know that hurt. It would make him feel worse. We arrive home. Jack sets me on the couch next to Signe. Signe looks very sick too. Jack brings food water and meds. He is so nice and caring.

"I know you don't want to but eat and drink up. I am going to get some blankets and pillows." Jack says running upstairs. He runs back down and put everything into place. He sits and hugs me and Signe. There is a calmness in the house knowing we did it. Veronica can't track is down because we don't have magic anymore. She can't hurt my family and friends. Everyone is safe. No one had to die. I have this horrible pain in my stomach and chest. As the adrenalin runs out the pain gets worse. Cuan comes up to me and licks where it hurts. He makes it feel a lot better.

"I don't know what happened when you healed him but he is the one who healed you!" Jack says.

"Wait really?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Signe says.

"Ok guys you two need some rest! I am going to make you chicken and dumplings. So take a nap. I will take care of you!" Jack says heading off to the kitchen. I lay down near Signe. She holds my hand.

"You did good today!" She says. She then starts stroking my head while I drift to sleep.

We won

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