Chapter 59: Save her

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*Cameryns POV
I wake up and I am in my bed I walk down stairs. Jack and Mark are sitting around the table eating. I sit down and grab an apple.

"Hello sleepy head!" Jack says hugging me.

"Hello dad!" I hug him back.

"Where is Signe?" I ask.

"She had to visit some family!" Jack smiles.

"Oh ok. So ...........What are the plans for today?" I ask eating my apple.

"I don't know what do you want to do today sweetheart?" Jack asks.

"Well I heard that they just opened a sky zone! It's about five miles into town." I say.

"What's that?!" Mark and Jack ask.

"It is a trampoline place. I read about it online." I say.(Yes it is a real place. It's so cool!)

"Ok well go get ready." Jack says.

I run up stairs. I out on some grey athletic shorts with a Markiplier shirt. I put my hair up in a ponytail and slip on my Nikes. I jump on my computer and upload a premade video. I grab my camera and run down stairs. I run straight out the door with the keys in my hand jump in the car.

"You know dad I am fifteen!" I say.

"And?" Jack asks.

"I think she is implying that she could get her permit." Mark says raising an eyebrow at me.

"Actually......I already have a permit. The orphanage is required to get every fifteen year olds one or else they get an inspection. The picture is........well embarrassing to say the least." I say whipping out my permit.

The picture on it is hideous. I forgot it was this bad. UGH! Marks grabs it before I could put it back in the back of my phone case. I struggle to get it back. Mark is laughing.

"Wow Jack look at our little fan girl!" He says showing him the picture as we pull into the parking lot.

"Our? You know what that means!" I say.

"Oh no!" Mark says.

"SEPTIPLIER AWAY!!!!" I laugh.

"Oh you think that's so funny ye little leprechaun?!" Jack says turning towards me.

"Well do you think this is funny?!" He says while tickling me.

I start laughing really hard. I hear Mark and Jack laughing too. I start laughing so hard that I start snorting.

"Did I just he snorting?" Jack smiles.

"No?" I say hiding my red hot cheeks.

"Wow Jack you tickled her so much that she turned into a pig!" Mark laughs.

I open my door and walk inside sky zone. No one is inside. I walk up to the front desk with Jack and Mark behind me. We got our special socks for jumping on the trampolines. While I slip on my socks Jack and Mark talk to the guy at the front desk. Mark swipes his card then Jack. The man behind the desk then goes to the door and turns the sign saying closed. They walk back over to me.

"What just happened?" I ask confused.

"Well we have the whole place to ourselves for as long as we want!" Jack says. I turn on my camera and strap it to my head.

"You look like a unicorn!" Jack says.

"Yes so fabulous!" Mark inputs. I turn around to put my shoes in a cubby and someone tags my shoulder.

"TAG YOUR IT!" Mark says running to the trampolines with Jack behind him.

They split directions. I go after Mark because he tagged me. He goes towards the big lot of trampolines. Whoa! There are trampolines on the lower parts of the walls. Oh I am so going to get him back.

"JACK HIDE!" Mark yells out of breath running.

I close in on Mark. I then jump really hard and land on a side trampoline. I start running on them since they are angled. Mark looks over and see me. His face turns to shock as I jump in front of him and tag him.

"!" He says the panting.

"!" I pant.

"Now time to find Jack-a-boy!" I say.

"Ok!" Mark says taking the camera off my head.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"I don't want your fans to miss the action." He laughs. I blow kisses to the camera and laugh.

"Jack where are you?!" I ask in a creepy voice.

I look around I don't see him in any open trampolines so where would Jack be? Oh the only place you would find a Jack. I creep over to the ball pit and whisper to the camera.

"As you can see we have tracked down Jack. He is in his natural habitat!" I whisper in an Australian accent. It was bad but Mark still laughed. I made my way to the diving board.

"I LOVE BALLS!" Jack says popping out of the ball pit.

I jump in and Mark jumps in behind me. When I hit the ball pit I immediately regretted that decision. I hear Mark scrambling around too.

"WHAT!! HOW DO YOU GET OUT OF THIS PIT OF DEATH!" Mark yells. I laugh but I too am stuck.

"Try to make it to the top as far as you can then roll on your side." Jack calls.  I do as he says and I and out in no time. Mark is having a bit of trouble. 

We do this the next couple of hours. Mark leaves and comes back with lunch. He even buys the worker lunch and we sit and talk with him. We continue jumping again. I discovered that there is a doge ball area. It is even enclosed. Me and Jack run to it and wait for Mark to follow us as he walks in a grab a ball and throw it at him. It hits him in the back of the head.

"OW!" He laughs rubbing the back of his head.

"If you can doge a wrench you can doge a ball!"
I laugh.

We play doge ball for a long time rotating who would be by themselves. It was really fun but now it was time to go home. We thanked the guy and left. I was really pumped but also tired. I get home tell the guys good night and peck the cheeks. I go upstairs and edit the vlog and prep it for tomorrow. I leave and jump on my bed. I plug up my phone and fall asleep.

(Time Skip)

I wake up to the sound of a crow on my nightstand. Not the best thing to wake up to. I look over and a crow sets a letter on my nightstand and disappears. I pick up the letter and read it.

Help my family is trying to kill me. They know about you and Jack. You need to go into hiding! You can't save me Cameryn its you they want. I love you both. Stay safe!

I run and show the note to Jack. I can tell he wants to save her. He freaks out and tells Mark. Mark then pack stuff and says we are staying with him in L.A. I pack my stuff and as I do I notice a fingerprint at the bottom. I remember that I talked to Sam and she said if you need to see me immediately hold your thumb against my thumb print and think of me. I run down stairs put my stuff on the couch by Jack and Mark.

"Sorry guys!" I say putting my thumb on the print. Jack wraps himself around me along with Mark. I say before I am in a dark cold room. Then a scream breaks the silence. I look back and see........

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