Buh Bye Mark

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*Cameryns POV
I wake up before anyone. I slowly move out of Marks arms. I look back at him. He looks so peaceful. Stress free. I make my way to where I can think. I check my phone. It's 2am. I go up on the roof. It's cold. I sit and think about Mark having to leave. It upsets me but it also makes me sad that he has stayed so long. I am just torn between feelings. I feel a blanket wrap around me.

"You should be out here. You are gonna catch a cold. I guess I am gonna have to warm you up!" Clark says putting the cover around him also and sitting next to me. I chuckle.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asks. The concern is all over his face.

"Uncle Mark has to go back to L.A." I say looking down. He pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry. You can still visit him and Skype." Clark says.

"Yeah. I know he needs to go back home but............I am really gonna miss him." I say.

"I understand. I felt that way when my uncle left me with my parents. My mom and dad aren't like yours though." He says.

"Well what do you mean?" I ask. He pulls the collar of his shirt down reviling cigarette burns and bruises. I gasp. They looked recent.

"It's fine they are gone for 3 weeks on a cruise." He says.

"Wait...........so you are all alone?" I ask. He smiles.

"I got you!" He says.

"But your parents are gone. Do they leave often?" I ask scooting closer.

"Yeah they stay for a week and leave for a month but it gives me time for myself. I get to watch YouTube videos." He laughs. I laugh but it makes me sad that he lives like this. He scoots closer. He pulls me into a hug I kind of tense up.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" He asks panicked scooting away from me.

"No no no! It's not you it just my last relationship was horrible. He tried to kill me." I say letting a tear run down my face.

"I am so sorry!" He says stroking my hair. I start getting sleepy. So he helps me to my bed. He tucks me in. He gets up to leave.

"Wait!" I say. He comes and sits on my bed.

"Yes?" He smiles.

"Could you stay until I fall asleep?" I ask like a child.

"Of course. Anything for you." He says. He strokes my hair till I fall asleep. I am half way asleep when he leaves. He leans to my ear.

"I don't know if you are awake but you are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Please don't harm yourself." He says and then he kisses my forehead like I did to him and leaves. I drift to sleep.

(Time Skip)
"Hey Cameryn we are taking Mark to the airport." Jack says shaking my softly to wake me up.

I get up and get ready. We go in the car. It's just me Jack and Mark. We stop for breakfast. We laughed a lot but I was still sad. We drive to the airport.

"Flight 325 is boarding!" A woman calls over a speaker.

Jack and Mark hug. They say goodbye. Then Mark looks at me he opens his arms for a hug. I ran into them and hugged him really tight.

"It's ok pumpkin!" He says as tears roll down my face.

"I'm going to miss you a lot Mark!" I say.

"I'm going to miss you too. I will call you as soon as I land ok?" He says smiling.

"Ok! And could you say hi to Chica for me. Also could you shoot Matt and Ryan with a nerd gun!" I laugh.

"Of course anything for you!" He says.

"Bye!" I say hugging him so hard.

"Bye. By the way we need to record a game together when I get home. It's really fun!" He says leaving.

He waves one last time before disappearing behind the gate. Me and Jack head back home. We play some videos games. Signe wakes up and we draw together. She is so good at drawing. It's time for dinner and I decided I would make dinner. So we head to the store and pick up some things. I make a salad with buffalo chicken in it. It turned out really good. As I set the table I notice Jack and Signe are whispering back and forth. I heard my name once. I finish and I sit down to eat. When I do that they stop whispering and look at me. What were they talking about?

"Cameryn we need to talk." Jack says causing my stomach to drop. What did I do wrong? Are they sending me back? No Jack wouldn't do that. Maybe Signe is pregnant! Or would Jack send me back?

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