How many more days?

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*Cameryns POV
What does Signe mean by our problems have been taken care of? Do I not have to worry anymore. We jump in the car and head back home. Thoughts are racing through my head as I think of all that has happened.

"Cameryn we are home!" Signe says shaking my shoulder.

I guess I zoned out. I unbuckle and follow her inside. Jack is still recording so I head up to his recording room. He can't hear me when I open the door. So I slowly make my way towards him. I go up and I hug him.

"Hey Cameryn!" Jack says hugging me back.

"HI CAMERYN!" Mark yells. I can barley hear him through Jacks headphones.

"Hi mark and hi people watching!" I say waving at the camera.

I give Jack another hug before leaving. After I leave I lean on the door and listen.

"My daughter is so sweet! I love her." Jack says. I smile and walk back down stairs.

"Ok do you want to help me cook super?" Signe asks.

"Sure what are we having?" I ask.

"Burgers. Since you are American and the 4th of July was a couple of days ago I thought we could have burgers." She says.

"Cool!" I say.

I slice the tomatoes and lettuce. I get out condiments and buns. I also cut onions and get the cheese. While Signe cooks the burgers. I had extra time so I decided to cook bacon. I lay out everything and set the table. Right as I finish Signe come in.

"Wow that was fast. Wait do I smell bacon?" Signe asks. Before I can answer we hear Jack upstairs and he opens his door.

"BACON!!!" He yells running down stairs.

"Yup it's bacon!" Signe laughs.

We all fix our plates and sit at the table. I wait for Signe to bring up what we were talking about earlier.

"I like your hair!" Jack says.

"Thank you!" I say. Signe still says nothing so I decide to bring it up.

"So what's the good news?" I ask.

"Well........ I know how to get my mom off our backs!" She says. Me and Jack lean in closer.

"All we have to do is fake your death!" Signe says gesturing to me. I freeze.

"Won't she find out I am not dead?" I ask.

"Well here is the full plan. We fake your death and she will go up to your body. She will extract your powers along with mine." She explains.

"Wait so I will never have powers?" I ask.

"We will lose them forever. But when she has all that power he body will not be able to take it and she will die." She finishes.

"So when will we do this?" Jack asks.

"In three days. Our love will be back to normal no constant worry of death." She says.

We finish eating. I was the plates and head up to my room. I sit on the roof. I hear someone climbing on I look and see Jack he has a hoodie in his hand. He hands it to me and I put it on.

"Everything ok?" He asks hugging me.

"Yeah. I am just a little sad about losing my powers. That means I loose Cuan too,but I will do anything to keep us safe." I say looking up at the stars.

"I know it's hard. I'm sorry you should never have to make these decisions this young." He says hugging me.

"Well you know when your this boss life will try and punch you in the face." I laugh.

"I am sorry you are CURSED WITH BOSSNESS!" He laughs. I laugh too.

"It will be over soon and your life will get back on track." He says kissing my forehead.

"Yeah that will be nice. Maybe I won't almost die everyday. Maybe I can meet the game grumps when we go to LA!" I say getting excited. We climb back inside.

"Wanna watch game grumps?!" I ask.

"Yeah I love them!" He says.

He pulls a chair into my room and sits by me at the computer. We watch video after video. I then click on game grumps animated. I start to feel tired. I slowly slip to sleep. I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I hear Jack laugh he shuts my computer off. He then scoops me up and lays me in bed. He tuck me in and strokes my hair.

"You will soon be ok. No more worrying or waiting for someone to kill you. You will be safe. Safe to live. Safe to be a kid. You will be a normal kid. Well a normal kid with a youtuber dad. Goodnight sweetheart. Sweet dreams." He chuckles. He kisses my forehead and leaves. I love my dad he is the best dad in the world. I sleep and dream of Signes mom hurting Jack Mark and Signe. I jolt up in a cold sweat.

"Two more days!" I tell myself.

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