Scare Pewdiepie

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*Cameryn's POV
RUN! Crap. I come up on this fork in the road. Um left or right? I shine my flashlight down on the left side. It's a dead end but there is a page. I walk to get the page. I fold it and put it in my pocket with the others. Four to go. I turn around to see slender man standing at the end of the hallway. I see Mark on the other. He just spots me. A look of terror is on his face.

"SLENDY!" Mark calls. Slender turns around and looks at him. Ok nows my chance. I run towards him.

"SLENDY!" I sing. He turns back around and looks at me.

I am running full speed at him. I get close to him. NOW! I drop to my knees and slide under his legs dodging his hands. I am sliding really fast. I jump up and break back into a run grabbing Mark's hand and pulling him along.

"CAMERYN!!" He says.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You are so badass!" He says in awe.

"Thanks!" I chuckle.

"Do you have the objective?" He asks. I nod and pull out the pages. Mark smiles and pulls out a page.

"Three to go!" He smiles.

We continue through the maze. I keep hearing sounds behind me. All of a sudden a creature runs up to us. It slaps Marks butt.

"WHAT?!" He yells. I laugh. I look up at the ceiling and swing my arms really wide.
(like in the rake video game that Mark and Wade played.)

"Oh no the rake!" I say running in my wierd position. Mark laughs really hard. I love his laugh! We come up on a split in the maze. Three ways ahead of us. Straight, left, and right. To the left and right are shallow hallways with doors.

"Hey I see a page!" I say standing up and facing right. It is on the door.

"I see another one!" Mark says facing left. It's also on a door.

"Ok I will get this one and you get that one and we will continue straight." I say. The door is only 10 steps away. We head down the hallways. I grab the note and turn around. The rake is blocking my way. I can see slender man blocking Mark.

"Mark try the door!" I yell. I try mine. It's locked.

"LOCKED!" He yells.

"Ok hold on!" I yell.

I can't believe I'm about to do this. I run towards the and push off the wall and jump over him. Then I jump on slender mans back.

"Mark do what I did. Then go towards the door I will be right behind you." I say gripping on for dear life.

He slides under running into the rake. He knocks the rake off his feet. I jump off slender man as he trips over the rake. Mark and I run towards the door. The last note is on the door. I quickly take it off. I turn the handle on the door but again it's locked. Slender man and the rake are right behind us.

"Cameryn can you please move away from the door?" Mark asks. I nod and move away from the door. He backs up and runs at the door. He breaks it down. We go through the door. It dark we can't see anything.

"Mark and Cameryn you have broken the rules. You haven't finished with everyone in the maze but since you finished you objective the punishment won't be as harsh." A man says. Bags are thrown over our heads and we are put in a cold room and strapped on chairs. They hook wires up to us. Great. I can hear them hooking up Mark beside me. I can hear the speaker being turned on.


Great. The bags are ripped off our heads. The guy who ripped the bag off my head has a clown mask on. He forces my eyes open and puts two things in my eyes. They leave and we are left alone in the room. This is gonna be fun(😑)! My head is strapped down so I can't look at him. I crack a smile.

"You know Mark when you slid under slender man and busted down the door you were a total badass." I smile.

"Well thanks. Not as badass as you." He say. I can hear the machines whirring up. No! We get shocked.

"Wow that's not that bad." Mark says.

"Yeah!" I say. It getting colder in here. We talk a little more and the we are shocked. Ow! Ok still not that bad. We talk some more. Now time for the third shock.

"SH!T!" Mark yells. Gosh that hurt like hell!

"JACK!" I call. No answer. All of a sudden the speaker turns on.

"Jack you have found the two trophies to help you find Cameryn and Mark. NOW RUN!" The voice says.

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