Scare Jacksepticeye

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*Jacks POV
I am so excited for tonight! It gonna be so fun! Mark did a vlog to show we made it safe. I want to do something funny in this video. It occurred to me marks outro. Mark started his outro but I busted in.

"See all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!" I say. Mark turns off the camera. Cameryn laughs so hard she falls out of her chair.

"Oh you think that's funny!" Mark says. He picks Cam up by my arms. I pick her up by her legs. We walk her down stairs and set her on her feet.

"Follow me!" Mark says. He marches out the door and we follow him.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

"I don't know? Or do I?" I smile. I can't wait. I am bouncing with excitement. We walk outside and there is a van. We all get inside. We are met by the man who runs 'Scare Pewdipie'!

"Ok you know the drill. This time it's a lot of horror games mashed into one." We drive to the place and they load us up with go pros. They face is so we can't see each other.

"Ok the goal is to find eachother and make it out. Good luck!" He says. After that I am blind folded and put into a small room. A voice comes over a speaker.

"Gamers you may now remove your blindfolds." The voice booms. I pull mine off over my face. I look at the door in front of me and there is a shelf with something on it. I walk closer. There is a plush Freddy Fazbear. What?!

"The door in front of you has a clue to what creatures you will be up against. One of you have an objective." The announcer says. Great. I'm going to be chased by killer animatronics.

"Find each other and make it out alive. The louder you are the easier it makes the monster to find you. By the way I hope you aren't afraid of the dark!" He laughs and the lights go out. How can I see where I am going? I have no flashlight. I open the door. The hallways are lit by some black lights giving it an arcade feel.

"OH SHIZ!" Cameryn yells from across the maze.

I wonder who is chasing her? I freeze in my tracks as I see a pair of glowing eyes down the hallway. I hear metal clanking and Freddy starts running at me full speed. I run the opposite direction taking random turns. He is catching up. As I turn down another hallway a hand grabs me and pulls me into a hiding spot. Freddy walks past us and moves on. I look and it Felix. He has a flashlight. I think my game is the joy of creation.

"Do you have the objective?" Felix whispers to me. I shake my head no. We hear a lot of commotion for Mark and Cameryn. I guess they found each other. 

"What's your game?" I ask.

"Until dawn!" He says. Crap this is gonna be fun.

We go back out into the darkness. It has been unusually quiet. I hear a noise behind me. I look back and see Josh(from until dawn). He has a murderous smile on his face. I grab Felix's shoulder and run. Josh runs after us.

"IM NOT CRAZY!" He yells running after us. We run and run. We finally make it away from him. Thank God! We hear a lot of noise again. I see Freddy walk towards the noise. All the noise ends suddenly. That's not good. We continue walking. I feel like we are making progress. I hear the speaker turn on.


Oh no we better hurry. Felix and I start running and trying to find them but we can't. Minutes have passed and still nothing. I look over and see something shining. I pull back the curtain and found a light next to a card. I pick up the card to read it.

'Add two players.' It says. All of a sudden the speaker turns on.

"Jack you have found the two trophies to help you find Cameryn and Mark. NOW RUN!" The voice says. Danny and Arin come out from the darkness. They start running. We follow them. They take us straight to Cameryn and Mark they are strapped down to a chair and being shocked. The room is freezing.

"YOU MUST PUT ON THE VEST AND CUT THE RIGHT WIRES. IF YOU CUT THE WRONG ONE YOU WILL BE SHOCKED." A voice booms. I slip on the vest Arin is at my side telling me which ones to cut. I get shocked so many times. I look back at Cameryn and her hand is black at the tips of her fingers. What's that?

"Cut the green one!" Arin says snapping me back. I cut it and the machines die. I unstrap Cameryn. Felix unstrap a Mark.

"THIS ISNT OVER YET!" The voice laughs.

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