Chapter 24: Im Fine

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*Cameryns POV
We arrived at the hospital. They examined me and they patched me up one of the nurses gave me a shower man that hurt. I had I giant wrap on my side because that where Finn shot me three times. They wrapped up my arms and upper thigh. Man those doctors drugged me up! They also gave me a wheel chair because they didn't want me walking for three days. I rolled out into the waiting room where Mark and Jack were. I built up speed.

"SPEED IS KEY!!!!!" I yelled passing Jack and Mark sitting with their heads in their hands.

"What the.........Cameryn?" Jack said running over to me.

The doctor talked to Jack while me and Mark talked.

"Wow you are so full of energy!" Mark laughed.

"Well I am on all the drugs right now!" I said laughing.

"All the drugs?!" Mark said laughing

"Ok you are free to leave make sure you don't walk for three days and take the medication!" The doctor said.

We got in the car and drove to our hotel. It was silent the whole way there. We went in the elevator.

"How I am not supposed to walk for three days!" I said breaking the silence.

"Well you did kinda get grazed by bullets in three spots and stabbed in your leg..........just saying!" Mark said. We got to our room I changed into a t-shirt and sweat pants I put my hair up in a pony tail. Jack told me I needed take a nap.

"Wait dad don't we have a convention?" I asked.

"Yes but I cancelled because number one you were being tortured and number two none of us got sleep." He said.

He picked me up and laid me on the bed which hurt. I winced in pain.

"Oh my gosh I hurt you didn't I!" He said looking sad.

"No you didn't Finn did!" I said.

I patted the bed so he would lie next to me. He was very hesitant but he went on the side opposite of my gunshot wounds. I just wanted to cry but I needed to stay strong for Jack and Mark.

"I am sorry this is all my fault!" Jack said crying. I hugged him.

"Jack I chose to go with him I chose to sit there and let this happen to me..............and I would do it again if it meant keeping you safe. I have never had a family so I will do anything to protect you! I know you and Mark would of done the same." I said.

Jack cried and I hugged him. He fell asleep so I got back in my wheel chair and practiced using it. Mark walked in and he stopped me and hugged me.

"Cameryn it is ok to cry you don't have to be strong for us we have to be strong for you right now!" Mark said looking into my eyes. How did he know? I cried into his shoulder how did he know me so well.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Because you are just like me!" He said breaking the hug.

"You know Mark growing up I hated crying because it shows I am weak and mean people prey on weak people. So I learned to fake it till you make it. I learned how to be emotionless. So I stayed strong while he was torturing me. I showed him that I did care anymore. I showed him that he couldn't get to me because I am happy. I laughed once or twice out loud." I said.

"Laughing? At what?" He asked.

"At you and Jacks videos. At one point I was laughing because all I could think of was I love senpi yes I do he's for me and not for you. It was you and Jack who helped me keep my sanity." I smiled.

"You are the brightest little ray of sunshine!" Mark said he picked me up and placed me next to Jack. Soon the world faded away.

*Cameryns dream
I was sitting in the room where Finn hurt me I was in the chair. I saw Finn held Jack putting a gun to Jacks head.

"Don't move or he's dead!" Finn snarled.

I sat there not knowing what to do then I decided that I would make a deal.

"You want to cause me pain fine then torture me to death keep me here till I go crazy. I don't care what you do to me just let him go!" I cried.

I head a gunshot and I woke up
(End of dream)

I woke up and my side was hurting really bad. I guess the meds wore off. Jack was awake.

"Are you ok?" He asked worried.

"Yeah can I have some medicine." I asked. He got up and got my medicine.

"Are you ok emotionally?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"No!" I cried. We sat and talked and then he told me we needed to change the bandage. I knew this would hurt. I lifted the side of my shirt to see a bandage covered in blood.

"Jack no matter how much I cry don't stop because it will cause more pain." I said.

Jack looked horrified he called Mark into the room. Jack held my hand. Mark peeled off the bandage I hugged the pillow so I didn't hurt Jacks hand. I looked down and there were chunks out of my side. It stung so bad! I cried into the pillow as Mark finished up changing it. I sat up and tried to get comfy Jack was still at my side. I had tears in my eyes because of how painful it was. I was allowed to take off the bandages off my arms. It was worse than when I would do to myself so I asked Jack to grab my jumper. He looked at me concerned all I could do was smile. After that there was a knock at the door.Who could it be?

Authors note:
Thanks for reading! If you have any ideas or questions feel free to ask/tell!

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