Not today

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*Scarlets POV
We board the plane. I feel like I have been hit by a bus. Cameryn is slowly taking back over my body. Maybe some sleep will help.

"Scarlet you can't win" Cameryn croaks lying on the ground covered in blood and tears.

"I always win. There is no point even trying just give in. I can make your life better. No more hurt no more pain." I coo. She needs to trust me so I can squish her like a bug. If she is on my side there is no fight. Then the rest is easy. She pushes herself up and limps towards me.

"SO pitiful. Just give up already." I sigh.

"You will never win! I will save my family if it's the last thing I do." She says as she hits the floor again. I chuckle as she winces in pain.

"Even if I have to kill us!" She croaks.

"You can barley get off the floor!" I laugh.

*End of Dream*

I wake up. I gather my things and get off the plane. We head "home". It's 12am so we just head home and sleep. Great now I have to deal with freaking Cameryn again. It's not like she puts up much of a fight but it's annoying. I sit on "my" bed and stay awake for as long as I can. I hate to sleep. I've just never been fond of loosing time to do things. I eventually can't keep my eyes open.

I am in the same place as before. I don't see Cameryn just the pool of blood where she had fallen.

"Well this is going to be fun. Here little Cameryn. Let's play a game! I'll go first." I laugh. I go to walk forward but an arm wraps around my neck.

"Where are your manners the guest goes first!" She says choking me.

I sling her off. She jumps back up. I run towards her and punch her. She moves just enough to where the punch lands on her arm and not her face where I intended it to. She jumps on my back and starts choking me. I fall to the ground and try to get her off but it's no use. My vision starts to fade as I can't breathe. Then darkness.

*End of Dream*

*Cameryns POV*
I wake up in my bed. I look around everything looks the same. I know that the rest of the group is downstairs or in their bedrooms. I walk over to the mirror and examine myself. My eyes are bloodshot and my arm is bruised.

'I can't let them see me. My eyes don't look like Scarlet's.'

I grab a jacket and my sunglasses. I crawl out the window making sure to close it behind me. It's a far drop but I can make it. I let go and hit the ground. It hurt but I'm fine. I throw on the sunglasses and walk over to Clarks house. His room is on the first floor. I knock on his window but no one opens it so I make my way to the front door. The door is wide open and there are no cars here so his parents are gone.

I walk in and use the flashlight on my phone. There is shattered glass everywhere. I carefully step over the glass making sure to be quiet. I can hear the bathtub water running. It could be a trap so I check all of the other rooms. After they are all clear I run to the bathroom. The door is locked so I kick it till the lock breaks and run to Clark. He is unconscious tied up in the tub. The water is almost up to his nose. I stop the water and start untying him. His eyes flutter open.

"Behind you"

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