Izuku Midoriya | Hero

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A/N: You guys are like, little kids at the time. Maybe grade one or two.

"Look it's Midoriya! The quirkless boy! Go somewhere where you belong like the trash bin!" said a third grader. Midoriya was on the ground with tears flowing down his cheeks like rivers.

"Yeah, you don't belong here!" said the best friend of the third grader as he high fived his friend.

"You can't be a hero if you don't have a quirk! So stop trying to be something you can't!" smirked the third friend of the two.

"Stop it, you don't mean any of it" whimpered Midoriya who was wiping away his tears.

"Of course, we mean all of it" grinned the third grader. He balled his hands into a fist and cracked his knuckles. His friends did the same as they advanced onto Midoriya.

You watched from afar, on the swing set by yourself. Midoriya has been your crush, for quite a while now. Sure he was quirkless, but he was really nice and funny at times! Who cares if he doesn't have a quirk because you don't care about silly things like that!

'Those bullies are really mean' you thought to yourself as you used your feet to push yourself on the swing. Looking back at Midoriya, he was on the ground trying to crab walk backwards as fast as he can to avoid the fists of the bullies.

Standing up from the swings, you decided to do something to stop them. Running as fast as your feet can carry, you stood in front of him with your arms stretched out to the sides.

The bullies stopped in confusion to why this kid was trying to protect Midoriya.

"Get out of here you twerp. Unless you want a bloody nose and broken face" threatened the bully. You would be lying if you said that you weren't scared but you had to stand up for Midoriya.

"I don't care now go pick on someone your own size! Because bullies like you who picks on little kids have no right to call themselves heroes!" you defended as glared into the bullies' eyes.

"No (L/N), you'll get hurt" said Midoriya as he got up to his knees. His eyes were still red and puffy from when he was crying.

"Don't worry Midoriya, I'll handle them. I'll be your hero" you said while smiling the smile that All Might would've done since he was his hero idol and he was yours too.

Using your quirk, you (whatever your quirk's power may be. Or if you don't have a quirk, you threw some pretty powerful punches at the bullies.)

The bullies staggered back, holding their injured body parts. Gritting their teeth, they turned around and ran away from you and Midoriya.

Lending your hand out to Midoriya, he accepts it as you host him back to his feet.

"(L/N), All Might is no longer my number one hero, because you are now my number hero" grinned Midoriya whose smile could rival All Might's.

I hope all of you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if Midoriya was a bit OOC in this but this chapter was really fun to write. You can request any character you want to read about. Have a nice day/night!

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