Katsuki Bakugou | Emotions

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Warning: Bakugou Katsuki (Noun) - An explosive airhead whose vocab consists mainly of swear words

When you exited the doctor's room with a smile on your face, you saw your long time boyfriend Bakugou leaning on the wall pretending to be all cool with his arms crossed. Standing in front of him, you waved your hand back and forth in front of his angry expression.

"Hey Hulk" you teased as Bakugou as his slowly lift his face to meet yours. Once his eyes met yours, almost instantly his expression softened.

"How'd it go beautiful?" Bakugou asked in a worried tone. Just a few months ago, you fainted in the middle of the street and was rushed to the hospital. After a few tests, it appears that you were diagnosed with syncope (disease that causes one to faint or pass out because of low blood pressure and not enough oxygen.) Bakugou heard about and immediately worried about your well being.

"It all went well. I'm good to go home for a week before a second testing" you said cheerfully as skipped around in a circle to prove that you were indeed alright.

"Are you sure? You've been in this stuffy place for three months, are you sure that you can go?" Bakugou asked just to confirm what you just said.

"When were you one to worry?" you questioned as you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Because you're the one I worked so fucking hard to get" he mutters as he kisses your forehead gently. Chuckling sweetly, you held his hand as you led him to the exit of the hospital.

After you've been released, you've noticed that Bakugou has been a bit on edge. What part of release and good-to-go does he not understand? Lately, he would either hold your hand or hold your waist everywhere you go, checks in on you every few seconds to make sure you were alright.

It was sweet of him to go out of his way to make sure that you were alright, but lately it has gotten increasingly annoying.

"Look Katsuki, I know you're worried but lay it off for a while. It's not like I can't walk and cook, I can do them just fine!" you snapped at him as he suddenly grabbed your hand to help you walk to the couch which is less than  5 metres from the dining table.

He pulled his hand back quickly and stared at you for a few seconds before responding back.

"What's wrong with helping my girlfriend?!" Bakugou snapped back.

"All I wanted was you to be okay! Do you know how fucking long I waited, worried out of my dipshited mind for you? For you to be okay? When I first heard that you fainted in the middle of the street got so scared I practically shitted my pants!" yelled Bakugou. You always Bakugou was often stubborn but opening up to you like that was... quite a surprise.

"I'm sorry, I just, I just" you started sniffing as you were finding it was getting a bit more difficult to breathe.

"Why am I crying?" you asked yourself as warm tears began to fall slowly from your eyes. Bakugou felt incredibly guilty, making you cry. Maybe he was being a bit too harsh having to get his point across. Wrapping his arms around you, he held you close as you were silent sobbing into his shoulder.

Worried, scared, nervous, those were all emotions that Bakugou didn't know he could feel until he met you.

This is dedicated to @starrzoldyck who was the one who requested this. I am really sorry if Bakugou sound OOC but I was trying to make Bakugou show a softer side like you asked. Halloween is coming up, what you guys dressed up as? As for me... I still don't know. Requests are open (no lemons) and have a nice day/night!

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